Example sentences of "[pers pn] be a [noun] to she " in BNC.

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1 I was a challenge to her .
2 that 's a good thing that you are a friend to her , that you 'll take her tempers and you 'll still come back .
3 I mean , if she had a marriage with him and she had the relationship and now you 're a good friend to him , and you 're a friend to her , she 's probably very jealous of the fact that you 're
4 Erm and she 's had seven youngsters and she 's brought them up and she a , on her own she 's had to bring them up cos he left her for another , another woman and erm she had the seven and she 's worked and fought hard cos she would n't ask for a darn thing and er they 're , they 're great those kids , they are , they 're a credit to her , you know , but it 's taken it out of her , she 's
5 I suppose it was a shock to her , that we 'd talked to Miss Rose , and heard about Celia and Donna .
6 So because it er as I said it was a relief to her i were a relief to us as children because then we were n't living in in terror of him coming home and you know causing the bother .
7 I offered them all glasses as well , and Angelica took one and went on bellyaching to all around her about how Steve had let her down and she should never have trusted the louse , and it was a tribute to her acting that there was a distinct drawing aside of skirts in the pursed mouths of those around her who were fed up with hearing about it .
8 and she was just a working girl , you know , and it was a worry to her as well .
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