Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [vb pp] [prep] two [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the ball hangs there , moon-white against the wall of cloud , everything in the world seems briefly up for grabs and I am seized by two contradictory feelings : there is so much beauty in the world it is incredible that we are ever miserable ; there is so much shit in the world that it is amazing we are happy even for a moment .
2 Usually I 'm joined by two other helpers .
3 I was invited by two revolutionary movements , the Black Panthers and the Palestinians … . these two groups have a very strong erotic charge .
4 This made me feel a quite genuine shame and remorse although — it was as if I was torn into two separate parts both rationally and emotionally — I knew that hurt bewilderment was something I should beware of : he was my enemy who would use any art to outwit me if I could .
5 I was sandwiched between two big men who joked over my head about how squashed they all were .
6 Pull out the bread insides so that you are left with two crusty shells .
7 Welcome back.Doctors say a four-year-old girl who suffered dreadful head wounds when she was savaged by two great danes may soon be completely healed .
8 ONE of the characters in Barbusse 's great war novel , Le Feu , comments bitterly while on leave ; ‘ We are divided into two foreign countries .
9 We were split into two separate teams and taken into the play area .
10 We were even more amazed when we were joined by two handsome Polish officers .
11 We were overrun by two German Panzer divisions .
12 On one occasion , on a 300-metre climb from the spectacular bridge over the Härrakalou , a green , algae-filled river that drains a huge area of the Sarek National Park , we were accompanied by two fit Dutch lads , who maintained a similar pace .
13 Although they are followed by two relative clauses ( lines 24 and 25 ) , they are not as closely linked syntactically as the earlier examples cited above .
14 There are many thousands of varieties of rice , but they are divided into two main groups — long and short grain .
15 for year seven , eight parents it is coming , if you like , that at the end of year nine it 's the end of the key stage and it 's an important time de dun da , they 're warned for two successive years .
16 The doctors have recently agreed not to buy women 's eggs anymore after they were exposed by two feminist journalists whom they threatened to take to court for libel .
17 The children not adopted stayed in the original creche until they reached the age of 6 , when they were transferred to two other institutions for boys and girls respectively .
18 They were met by two uniformed officers , Pope and Knight , and then whisked off to Valpy Street where Chief Constable Thomas Burrows outlined the case .
19 They were classified into two distinct groups , those who gained entry through traditional methods and those who had not .
20 They were spotted by two Italian CR 42 aircraft which came into attack and managed to destroy the ‘ Blitz Buggy ’ .
21 She discovered there were seventeen pupils , ranging in age from six to twelve , and that they were housed in two so-called dormitories , which were divided by panels into cubicles , each being about twice the area of its narrow iron bed , just enough to hold a chest of drawers and leaving standing space in which to undress .
22 Thomas 's catalogue of crime resulted in him being tried before two different Old Bailey judges for rape .
23 It is based upon two fundamental principles :
24 It is supported by two Subordinate Committees , one examining the export applications and the other the technology applications .
25 Two photographs are taken of each specimen in situ before it is sacked in two successive Teflon bags and shipped frozen to NASA 's Johnson Space Center in Houston .
26 It is composed of two different dimeric proteins R1 and R2 ( refs 3–5 ) .
27 The agreement will ensure that the Adelaide will fully retain its Protestant ethos when it is merged with two other Dublin hospitals , the Meath and the National Children 's Hospital , in a new hospital in the rapidly-expanding suburb of Tallaght .
28 It is shaped like two intertwined helices .
29 It is stressed in two specific ways .
30 It is held at two famous courses on the Kent coast in the early spring , when the cold is invariably at its most insidious and the winds at their fiercest .
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