Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [verb] [adv] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I am in the car I am competing professionally and I commit myself to the job .
2 He was pleased with his performance and said : ‘ I am playing well but I am lacking a little bit of killer instinct . ’
3 I am painting again and I 'm selling and that means a lot .
4 I 'm stood there and he said , all of a sudden he comes , cos he already had one of the lads in Ian
5 You know he 's going into the country so I 'm to go too and I 'll live nearby in a little room or a shed , for I 'm going to put my life in order , I 'm crazed with living in London and in the pubs and getting drunk every day , no wonder I could n't write poetry , for I could n't think .
6 But I 'm getting on and who cares what I think ?
7 Well for exam well at least I know how much sodium I 'm taking in or what
8 I 'm hanging back and I wo n't start attacking until tomorrow . ’
9 No I 'm fed up and I 've got to have a new board , electrical board
10 I get a bit dizzy lying down on the bench , like I 'm falling backwards and I got to sit up for a bit .
11 Either I 'm growing up or my gums are maturing .
12 I phoned my sister and said , " I 'm in labour " , but she said , " I 'm working tomorrow and I ca n't come . "
13 So I 'm standing up and I 'm saying : Be careful , because it wo n't be long . ’
14 ‘ All right then , I 'll go to find Maud by myself , but I 'll come back for you as soon as I 'm changed back and I 'll get you to a magician somehow .
15 I 'm sorry darling I 'm sitting down and I 'm comfortable .
16 Now well I 'm sitting there , Robert 's my customer and like I 'm sitting there and he comes out with this fabulous spiel , right , as this objection , right , that was word perfect and he 's sitting there after he 's finished it as smug as anything and looking at me as if to say so what are you gon na do about that then ?
17 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
18 I 'm going away and I 'm not coming back . ’
19 I 'm going upstairs and I 'm stripping her and taking her into the bath with me . ’
20 This stuff I 'm going round and I 'm gon na get
21 and I do n't give any of this shit with lights If they 're doing seventy miles an hour , and I 'm going faster and they 're , all the overtaking lanes are taken , then I 'll slow down to their speed , I wo n't
22 So , with the brave words , ‘ I 'm going there and you ca n't stop me ; I know my rights ’ , he attempted to join one of the pairs of pickets .
23 Yes I know I 'm going overboard but I was impressed .
24 I 'm going out and I may be some time …
25 Did you say to her , I 'm going out to re I 'm going out and I may be gone for a long time .
26 I 'm driving along and there was somebody coming round and it was a bit narrow and so I hung back and let him come through
27 And I 'm driving along and I 'm thinking all about Christmas
28 I 'm starting tomorrow and I 'm so nervous !
29 And then I were coming home and I were , I were really awful .
30 I was just about to say I expect you could really make a mess if you tried and then I realized I was covered in and I 'd better shut up .
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