Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] as if she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She looks as if she stuck every hairpin in like a knife . "
2 But she looks as if she knows what she 's doing .
3 She looks as if she has n't slept these two whole days .
4 No but it 's still helpful like that cos you can see , well it looks as if , without measuring it accurately , it looks as if she spends half of it she actually saves half of it .
5 so it looks as if she saves half of her money and then spends a bit more than a quarter .
6 So , I think possibly a little more thought in the actual , I think the actual shape of the girl there , the way she 's actually sitting is fine , but er it , it looks as if she 's been propped up with , you know , you better put this stool under your foot to hold that up and put this crutch under your arm to hold that up and
7 It looks as if she 's had these things put there to support her rather than actually casually sitting on them .
8 So if the female does n't want it and this one clearly does n't , she just sits down and if she sits on her pseudo-penis , there 's no way the male is ever gon na get into her , but in fact this is true er in , in general terms of er if you think about it a , a female quadrupedal mammal I mean it looks like male domination , the male mounts and it looks as if she has to submit but she does n't .
9 It sounds as if she wanted this house more than she wanted him , ’ Lucy mused , knowing that if she herself loved a man she 'd be happy to live in any humble abode .
10 The shock can have a sudden and lasting effect ; the woman 's energy is no longer channelled into her appearance , and it seems as if she has made up the extra ten years , and more , all at once .
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