Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] that [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 He did n't I knows that I knows it I knows it .
2 He says that he thinks it would be a pity if Dowty 's fell into the hands of TI
3 He says that he thinks it 's unlikely that it will hit ; in fact there 's less than a one in 10,000 chance .
4 He says that he shot it down , after chasing it at low level .
5 He says that he feels it was a fair hearing .
6 But in the very next poem he says that he did it for a change of diet , a bout of ‘ physic ’ as it were , needed after over-indulgence : ‘ being full of your ne'er cloying sweetness , /To bitter sauces did I frame my feeding ’ ( 118 ) .
7 He says that he tried it and it works .
8 Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , later countered : ‘ If the Labour Party are accusing us of an electoral bribe , it shows that they find it rather difficult to criticise us on any other grounds . ’
9 something to do with that cos of but he denies that they saw it .
10 ‘ Shut the window , please ’ is said in a situation where the speaker rather expects the hearer to act so as to fulfil a certain sort of wish of his , if he indicates that he has it by an imperative sentence .
11 Goodey has not looked at it satisfactorily as far as I 'm concerned and as far as many of the scheme members are concerned , I mean he has concluded that the employers are still entitled to er do what they like with the surplus , the only thing that he recommends that they do it with the approval of the regulator himself , but he the other thing that the
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