Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] not that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards Jared Tunstall had said to her mama , ‘ It was a question of a little hustler meeting a big one , and if it were n't that he has hurt Sally-Anne so badly I could almost admire the swine for his gall .
2 If it was n't that we had to develop from an egg in every generation , I do n't think that kind of conservatism would be observed .
3 It was n't that we did n't get on , we did — surprisingly well , in fact .
4 You see , it was n't that they had no faith , they had faith we were saying the other week when we were dealing with this , we all have faith it 's what we do with it .
5 It was n't that she had anything against him personally ; he was a charming and clever man , dedicated to his school , an entrepreneur who was using the fruits of his success to fulfil a lifetime 's dream — and good luck to him , she thought .
6 It was n't that she had ever made a conscious decision to play the helpless female ; she just always looked as though she was in constant need of care and attention , and over the years she had found that it was far easier to allow people to think what they liked , because whenever she tried to be assertive , or explain that she was really quite competent , no one ever believed her .
7 It was n't that she had n't tried to form relationships , but somehow they had just never amounted to anything significant .
8 It was n't that she had n't been talking to Mandy , it was just that she had let her displeasure over that application be felt for an entire week now .
9 It was n't that she went completely overboard , or examined her faith critically .
10 I do n't suppose she was more than forty , yet — It was n't that she looked old , but there was something about her , as if she was somehow apart from what was going on . ’
11 It was n't that she looked forward to them exactly , but the fury he 'd used to generate was gone .
12 It was n't that she felt left out — ‘ in fairness , they had said to me that I could go out with them anytime , but it 's a really grotty place , and I also did n't want them to feel I was a hanger-on ’ — it was just that she had nowhere else to go .
13 It was n't that she cared how she looked , she told herself .
14 It was n't that she doubted that the Allies would win — of course they would .
15 It was n't that she did n't love them — or want to — she just could n't .
16 It was n't that she wanted to work in a sex shop but that she needed work of some kind .
17 It was n't that she wanted to think about him , but he was as easy to ignore as an earthquake .
18 It was n't that she wanted him to be here with her .
19 It was n't that I thought myself deserving of more delight than was offered the mass of mankind ( I told myself ) but that the common lot seemed so dire .
20 " It was n't that I had a louder voice.Just more resonant .
21 It was n't that I disliked , distrusted or in any way doubted the sympathy of my friends .
22 It was n't that I minded Fenella and I could have had fun doing a wind-up on her parents .
23 It was n't that he felt pity for them ; far from it — their passivity revolted him .
24 It was n't that he feared betrayal .
25 It was n't that he wanted to be more imaginative than them .
26 It was n't that he minded her presence ; and he did n't mind her company , on those occasions when he actually spent time with her .
27 It was n't that he did n't like women , you understand , he simply stayed faithful to one who was dead .
28 It was not that they went away , it was that they became interwoven with the strange elusive echoes and the memories that lingered in the vast dark Castle .
29 It was not that they did n't know about the brain .
30 It was not that she felt any differently about motherhood .
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