Example sentences of "[pers pn] [that] [pron] [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 We want to take control of the situation , but it is no use hon. Members like the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , West telling me that we should have a conference and then table a Bill and that would be the end of the matter .
2 I 'd like a piana from you for Christmas or if you can not get me that I would like a bike .
3 I felt honoured by the kindness of one or two of your congregation , who happen to be members of the committee , in having written to assure me that I would receive a speedy and unanimous Call , if I would only consent to accept it .
4 It never occurred to me that I might become a poet — partly because there were no books in the damp little prefab where we lived .
5 oh , give me that I 'll have a bit of it thank you
6 ‘ People had said to me that I 'd have a lot of spare time on the film set — oh sure !
7 The American authorities told me that I should make a general election law and arrange that the Korean people rule themselves .
8 And they told me that I can have a job back there any time I want . ’
9 And you told me that she used to use a crochet hook .
10 Semenov promised me that he would have a word at the highest level , with Yury Vladimirovich Andropov .
11 It seems to me that you should leave a little time for romance . ’
12 ‘ I have written to the chairmen of all the big banks to tell them that we will run a campaign to urge all students to boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme .
13 How cast his shadow over the imaginations of their daughters before their squires beget upon them that they might breed a race less ignoble than their own ?
14 Companies bidding for franchises must satisfy them that they will broadcast a sufficient proportion of ‘ quality ’ programming , a fair enough requirement perhaps , given the limitless temptations to pander to the lowest common denominator .
15 But God in his mercy showed them that he would accept a substitute — the death of an animal , perfect and blameless , instead of the offender .
16 If you do n't tell them that you 'll want a deposit cheque of thirty five percent of the first year 's payment depending on what you charge them
17 ‘ I promise you that we will have a long talk — and sort out everything between us , once and for all , ’ he murmured , burying his face in her blonde hair for a moment , before raising himself up on an elbow to gaze down at her lovely face .
18 ‘ It did n't occur to you that I might have a lot on my mind ?
19 ‘ In Berlin , where I come from , oh yes many years ago , before those foul Nazis besmirched the country , they would have said of you that you would make a great beauty , a grande dame sans merci .
20 ‘ Who told you that you could buy a coffin from us ? ’ she demanded .
21 Of course at school they always tell you that you should do a secretarial course , which was absolutely dreadful , and they put you off the idea of a career in the theatre just as much as they can .
22 Max has a very funny way of telling you that you should try a different approach .
23 Who suggested that you that you should have a go ?
24 I would say to you that you must have a defibrillator available should your patient reperfuse on the way to hospital and develop ventricular fibrillation , because having salvaged the myocardium , it is a shame to lose the patient and we can not yet tell which patient will develop ventricular fibrillation and which will not .
25 ‘ You 'd asked about your car , and I told you that it could take a week or more for the garage to locate the part they needed . ’
26 They agree with him that they must develop a vision and make some strategic decisions .
27 And finally , brethren , let us ask the Almighty to look down upon us and our endeavours with His special favour , beseeching Him that He may send a blessing upon our daily tasks , and that in His infinite wisdom He may smite our enemies , and destroy those who would destroy us .
28 He was aware that Ballater was looking at his hands and assured him that he could wield a spade perfectly well .
29 I 've promised him that I will make a new life for myself and not think of the past .
30 However , with youthful if foolish optimism she had proudly assured him that she would find a solution to the problem .
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