Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] [adj] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 's tall and has a good figure .
2 She is naked and makes no attempt to cover any more of herself than people do who are all alone .
3 The sufferer from anorexia may be told by others that he or she is thin but has a distorted body image and believes himself or herself to be " fat " or " normal " regardless of body weight .
4 fairclough has always been a good defender ( ex England U21 ) , but he s excellent when given a job , like marking Tony Daley out of the game .
5 ‘ The dry set is going to be popular this year — it 's fast and achieves the look of the 90's .
6 I do n't know what it means whether it 's electric or wait a minute there 's some more .
7 It 's compact and has a shortwave capacity to pick up stations around the globe .
8 Yellow Peril 's defenders insist like all good art it 's provocative and has a sting in the tail
9 This imparts a rhythm to the neck even when it is straight and gives a sense of alertness and tensile strength .
10 It is patriarchal and envisaged no links between the separate monasteries .
11 That is , it is infrastructural and confers a public benefit , from which enterprises in general will gain .
12 It is essential when screwing a mirror to a wall that the wall is flat , and there should be a gap of around 3mm behind the mirror to allow it to ‘ breathe ’ .
13 The latter idea of a general justification may be more welcome and acceptable to lawyers , since it is tidy and fills the need for categorization and easy pigeon-holing .
14 It is unacceptable and has the potential to cause great harm to children who may see it .
15 It is small but covers the areas needed by someone taking up skiing — clothing , physical and ski preparation , basic technique and safety are all there .
16 A small generator can be used primarily to stop a battery discharging and it will only be able to recharge a battery if it is small and has a long time in which to do it .
17 The comment from , Scottish & Newcastle 's finance director , was typical : ‘ I think it 's a very important concept that the board through management is responsible for seeing that internal control works and for the day-to-day detection of fraud , while the auditors also have a responsibility where it is material and affects the annual accounts . ’
18 It is expensive but has a host of fine illustrations to support the 500-word pen-portraits .
19 At present ‘ Palantype ’ could be available for a privileged few — it is expensive and requires a full-time operator .
20 To argue that it is computer-generated and has no human author runs counter to common sense .
21 It is certain that to rear the twins successfully this kind of collaborative endeavour has become essential .
22 The transfer function of the second-order low-pass filter shown in figure 12.2(a) is ( see equation ( 12.12 ) ) while that of the corresponding high-pass filter with capacitance C' in place of inductance L and inductance L' in place of capacitance C is From equations ( 12.33 ) and ( 12.35 ) it is apparent that to synthesise the prototype low-pass response with unit cut-off pulsatance , the inductance L and capacitance C must satisfy Equations ( 12.34 ) and ( 12.36 ) similarly show that to synthesise the planned high-pass response with cut-off pulsatance the capacitance C' and inductance L' must satisfy Combining equation ( 12.37 ) with equation ( 12.39 ) and equation ( 12.38 ) with equation ( 12.40 ) reveals that Thus high-pass filters are easily derived from low-pass designs .
23 If due account is taken of the present state of the law in regard to mortgages and choses in action , it is apparent that to make a distinction in the case of land would be to make just such an exception .
24 it is unnecessary and increases the work load .
25 This building is more Romanesque than other works ; it is cruciform and has a particularly fine galleried and arcaded apse dating from about 1140 .
26 When it flicks out like this it is tasting or smelling the air .
27 These kind of decisions are normally made by the teacher alone , but it is possible that involving the children in making them might be an extremely effective way of teaching them self-determination and discipline .
28 In nature they are found living singly , in pairs , or in small groups depending on the size of the host and are happy in the aquarium whichever of these alternatives you adopt , although it is wise when keeping a number together to restrict these to one species , as most clownfish species are mutually intolerant of other species of their family and will not share living space or an anemone host .
29 Prison labour may be efficient in terms of costs , but it is slow and requires a high degree of commitment of the staff at all levels .
30 In a large bowl , whisk together the eggs and 100g/4oz of the sugar until it is thick and holds a trail from the beaters .
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