Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb infin] [pron] be [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 Do I think I am going to the bank at the same time as I say I am going to the bank ?
3 He was accused in a pamphlet , written by the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and circulated by Nigel Watts , a property developer , of deceiving the Yugoslavs by letting them believe they were going to Italy .
4 And where exactly did she think she was running to ?
5 Do you think there 's going to be any joy from him ?
6 I mean , do , do you think there 's going to be trouble ?
7 What do you think you 're doing to me ?
8 And she says , ‘ Come off it , my man , who d' you think you 're talking to , a mere jumped up commoner princess . ’
9 ‘ Who do you think you 're talking to ? ’
10 Who d' you think you 're talking to ? ’
11 Who the hell do you think you 're talking to ?
12 So what sort of printer do you think you 're talking to ?
13 Do you think you 're going to be heard ?
14 Do you think you 're going to be happy here in New Carthage Jane ?
15 Do you think you 're going to be happy here in New Carthage aye .
16 What sort of competition do you think you 're going to be up against there ?
17 ‘ So do you think I am going to be afraid of Lennox Lewis ?
18 Well I says I 'm very sorry but I says it 's six miles away in a store , we do n't attend stores in the evening , I 've nobody to come d I 've got Where the hell do you think I 'm going to sleep tonight ?
19 ‘ What makes you think I was going to ? ’
20 ‘ Did you think I was going to be left behind ? ’ responded de Villiers cheerfully , his bright , interested gaze going from one to the other .
21 ‘ What d' you think it 's going to be like , Joe ? ’
22 ‘ But what makes you think it 's going to be a son ? ’
23 ‘ You said you were impressed with the place ; do you think it 's going to be suitable for your sister as well as for Len Seager ? ’
24 Do you think it 's going to be a cold night tonight or a hot night ?
25 Do you think it 's going to ultimately change the whole notion of publishing .
26 Do you think it 's going to ultimately change the whole notion of publishing ?
27 Exactly how he achieved this I can not explain except to say that he had a kind of eloquence that made you think he was speaking to you personally and the gift of a born story-teller .
28 What do you think he was saying to the photographer ?
29 Do you know what 's going to be happening tomorrow ?
30 ‘ Did you know he was going to be here ? ’
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