Example sentences of "[pers pn] [subord] [pron] [vb past] [to-vb] her " in BNC.

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1 It was lovely that you came , ’ and she took his hand and raised her mouth eagerly to his as he bent to kiss her for the first time .
2 She 'd found her wallet of credit cards and flourished it under his nose , every fibre of her being poised to defy him if he tried to deny her the right to pay .
3 She guided her emotional mate back to his seat and sat with her arms around him until he tried to kill her again .
4 I 've been meaning to talk to you , but you 've ducked out of the building so fast after finishing your show these last two days , ’ she told him when he stopped to greet her and ask if she had heard the brilliant spontaneous earthquake joke he 'd cracked on air that morning .
5 Nor was she unaware of the interest Matt and Silas took in her movements , having caught glances passing between them as they paused to watch her fold the table napkins round the knives and forks which were left in readiness to be picked up from the end of the table .
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