Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] been [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only other twentieth-century example I have found is also from an Irish-born writer : ( 198 ) I 've been made scream with pain in other ways .
2 I 've been made scream with pain in other ways .
3 I asked him how long he had been with the Republicans and he said , ‘ Three weeks — I 'm a sales manager and I 've been given leave of absence by my company just to produce last night 's rally . ’
4 I 've been offered work in the States but unfortunately nothing I actually wanted to do , ’ the 34-year-old said .
5 Dept. , Convocation and alumni to learn that I have been elected Vice-President of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education .
6 I have been sought redress for people damaged by the utilities , but over the years the Government have pushed my pleas to one side .
7 Interviewed on BBC Radio 4 , Andrew Lees of Friends of the Earth declared , ‘ I have been given clearance by my Board to seek a judicial review … we are very serious about this issue and are going to go for it . ’
8 I have been sent chocolate from my mother .
9 They never think about it ? but when the day of the lord comes , you shall be like because you 've been born gain in his
10 Erm , the financial elements I find complex , I 'm sure from discussions with various members , they equally find it complex , but the position is , that in the current year , you have been given access to a specific grant .
11 Realistically , though , you would need to have strong evidence that the existence of such a right is part of your particular deal with your employer , and that you have been denied satisfaction from your work in a clear and unjustifiable fashion , before you could pursue litigation with confidence .
12 You have been offered marriage by every eligible family in the Khanate , ’ he pointed out .
13 ‘ I also want to point out we have been refused access to the match referee 's and umpires ’ reports as to the reasons for the change of ball on August 23 . ’
14 We have been promised access to our health records and waiting lists which are no longer than 18 months .
15 We have been promised access to our health records and waiting lists which are no longer than 18 months .
16 ‘ As you are fully aware , we have been promised delivery of all the office equipment on the fifth , two days from now .
17 ‘ But South Africa are a much better team than they 've been given credit for , and they are getting better with every match .
18 After a lengthy campaign they 've been offered compensation for drop in value of their homes .
19 Some have suffered symptoms so severe that they have been given medication by their doctor .
20 They have been given guidance on the importance of distinguishing between needs , preferences , and wants .
21 Their grant has been frozen in real terms at much below the level at which they could expect to survive on it ; they have been denied entitlement to income support , housing benefits and rebates ; there are no jobs with which they can supplement their incomes during vacations ; and those who find themselves desperately hard up discover , when they turn to the hardship fund , that it has already been exhausted .
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