Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] if [pron] want to " in BNC.

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1 Oh yeah I mean if you wanted to also link that with multicultural situation or or cross cultural or comparing it with other ones I mean that 's no problem .
2 I mean if you wanted to be really obscure
3 So even if you did n't have a protractor , I mean if you wanted to be really fussy and find out exactly you could measure it and say , ooh that 's actually , it 's not eighty that 's seventy nine and this is a hundred and one so she spends a pound and a penny on sweets and she saves seventy nine .
4 You know if you want to darling you
5 Anyway , forty six and then we had no house , at all , because my mother had died and my father , we said to my father you leave if you want to we should be alright we 'll find somewhere to go and we did n't and we had to have a Nissan hut for about a year , supplied by the Council
6 You see if they wanted to be a foreman he 'd still in the union .
7 in what they do if you want to .
8 Yeah , hold on these poor fish are gon na be able to jump out of there if they need if they want to .
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