Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [adv] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What they do , I mean just play a game , it 's just a ga it 's a it 's a game , like sort of Simon says , try and catch them out in things , you 'll say right , now you 've got to point at a window , say , and then you have to point at , and you can get them all doing it , you
2 I intend also to drop a line to Norman too .
3 I intend speedily to provide a Quantity of Hysteric Drops , being apprehensive of Fits at the Sound of the Post-horn .
4 I sit there repeating a wish in my head like a child .
5 I know this morning it 's , I changed his nappy and I like always have a bottle of you know those
6 I remember wickedly making a note at one assembly of the number of times he spoke and believe it or not the total was sixty seven .
7 I remember once catching a sand-martin .
8 I tricked him , but I had to , I remember once seeing a mosaic , a Roman mosaic .
9 I remember once watching a film in three D and getting the red and green , green glasses .
10 I remember once getting a tap round the head from my dad .
11 I remember once having a passion to read and argue endlessly on such topics .
12 I do rather crave a motor car .
13 I knit on a Brother 891 with ribber mainly , although I do also have a Passap Duo 80 .
14 Yes , I do still keep a diary , though it now shows my hospital , doctor 's and dentist 's appointments rather than my business meetings or my target dates and such .
15 I do indeed keep a list of questions , but I advise hon. Members representing Scottish constituencies that the next time we have Scottish Questions those hon. Members who have been called today will not stand quite such a good chance of being included next time .
16 I think both have a place in the world , but I see Metropolitan Area technology used for connecting different types of data network , with Asynchronous Transfer Mode for internetworking of broadband networks . ’
17 Er I think also helps a lot in this process er and that 's that 's particularly er relevant of the audit practice almost starting to be reduced into the tax practice as well .
18 I 'm not really computer literate , I 've probably made a botch of things , and will most certainly use incorrect terminology ; please forgive !
19 ‘ That 's not fair , ’ gasped Rachel , ‘ I 've already done a couple of laps ! ’
20 I 've already done a background event to change the background to black , using the colour fill option .
21 I I 've already made a ruling on that , on that point .
22 I 've already made a list of the questions you should ask h — ’
23 I 've already written a letter , and if you do n't help me , I 'll have to send it .
24 I 've already had a couple of tentative enquiries .
25 I 've already had a couple of spats with them and they would n't pass up an opportunity like this to poke fun .
26 I 've already had a word with the vicar and made a provisional booking for Friday afternoon .
27 I 've already had a word with Sister Concepta .
28 I 've already had a walk this morning .
29 I mean the Halifax charged me three hundred pounds for this and I 've already got a mortgage with them , so they do n't need to do any sort of er er in depth surveys , or , or , or assessments on the house .
30 Cos I 've already got a pension scheme running .
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