Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [subord] [pron] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 I mean whether they hushed it up or not I do n't know .
2 Well I mean if you had it sort of darker , would n't it stain darker slightly ?
3 Yeah but on the yeah but I mean if she sold it for thirty two she 'd still owe them nine thousand would n't she ?
4 I mean if I sold it cheap .
5 I do n't remember much about it , only dim rooms and fire-light , a dinner of steak-and-kidney pudding and broccoli , which I recall because I disliked it — the smell of urine in the meat , laughter at conversation I did not understand .
6 There was a Django Reinhardt tape playing , I know because I recorded it and sold it to Stubbly , and Ken the barman was sitting on a bar stool reading the News of the World .
7 I know because I found it , 349 years later .
8 cos I 'm I know if I had it I 'd just feel really awful if I had BO
9 I know if I popped it right now , I mean yo you 'd a and Trish and Teresa , you , Debbie , Teresa and Mark .
10 I 'm not comfortable but I suppose if I gave it a go I would get used to it .
11 I had already recognised him , but fifteen years or so , boy to man , is a big change , and I doubt if he got it .
12 I bet if they brought it , done it in star shapes , people would go out and buy them .
13 I do because I saw it .
14 erm I mean I think if you dragged it in by its heels there is a message there , in that erm the struggle , again coming back to the university , that young people face in a competitive society , in an attempt to express themselves , to demonstrate that they have something to give and that no matter how difficult the whole economic circumstances are , and how problematical the question of employment is , young people are entitled , or society ought to see that they 're entitled , erm to some manner of expression , some form of expression , to express themselves .
15 Mind you I think if you sent it without any postage and packaging charges I 'm pretty sure that they would er , they would send you the goods because they would n't want to loose a good customer .
16 So we did n't , yeah well if we 've got someone 's who 's interested in starting a group , that 's the time which to start , we did , yeah , but there was a group , er previous thing but I think that , there was one girl who was very er keen , but I think when she left it probably lapsed .
17 I wonder whether whoever did it was making a gesture in the direction of the Bishop , as if to say ‘ This is your beloved son ’ . ’
18 I wonder whether he thought it was just the way the English talked , or whether he thought I was peculiar …
19 I wonder if I kicked it
20 I wonder if he got it . ‘
21 I laugh if she caught it in the
22 Yeah I see if you had it Gary you would of won
23 I 'd probably know what you mean if I saw it .
24 Erm , could you tell me erm something about how you felt about the change of coming to this house , you know whether you enjoyed it ?
25 So well we could go out there anyway to see whether they 've got any er you see if they carried it on for another month
26 He was in the courtyard , unfastening a pair of skis , his jet-black ski-suit moulding itself to his body in a way that drew her glance whether she liked it or not .
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