Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [be] [adv] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , most of the political and commercial conferences that I do are either for presentation on television of important policies or for discussion and debate on serious issues .
2 I 've been here for years and this is the first conversation I 've had with a human for simply ages .
3 I have been here for decades untold in this court , never leaving it except in my mind , ranging to far stars yet never truly experiencing those elsewheres .
4 " You 've been away for ages , " she says .
5 We 've been pally for years Sadie .
6 It seems as though we have been away for years .
7 Mhm cos they 've been there for ages have n't they Mary do n't you think ?
8 They are there ; they have been there for years .
9 Rocks look more natural if you bed them into the gravel slightly , as if they have been there for years .
10 No footings were laid — the walls were built directly on the patio paving stones ; they have been there for years and I thought there was little chance of them subsiding .
11 ‘ But some of them have been here for ages , ’ she remonstrated .
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