Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [conj] [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I know that Paheri stayed with your first wife , and that your second son was lost when the northern empire collapsed . ’
2 I think that James knew in his heart that Niki was a more complete driver than himself and I remember him saying back then that while he was taking himself more seriously every race that went by , he knew that , compared to Niki , he was still the less ‘ thoughtful ’ and the more ‘ instinctive ’ driver .
3 I wonder if Athelstan thought of that ? ’
4 and you know that Jim recorded on one of his cassettes some programmes for Martin
5 It is unfortunate that the team headed by Olive Tunstall feel the need to launch into a personal attack on Heim , however , saying that ‘ we consider that Heim acted in such a way as to reduce the credibility of the profession ’ .
6 From these diaries we know that Minton made between two and four visits to ‘ Marshalls ’ every year up until 1954 , staying usually a couple of nights and returning to London with sheaves of drawings .
7 We know that Julian had at least two servants called Sara and Alice , who did her shopping and ran errands .
8 From the above we see that LAC arranged for 4 visitors , were in contact with 14 area secretaries and 19 visits in all were made .
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