Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [conj] [pron] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Now Will brought down an old van er which was scrap it was quite a good body I mean and he painted on it , We 're still open , er something like , Despite Transport and General Workers ' Union picketing we are fully open , and he plonked this van with no wheels on it just the body right th in the entrance of th on his own ground naturally er right in front of the pickets which was like you know tantalizing .
2 I mean like I said on a Friday we get thirteen seventy five till twelve o'clock .
3 Well she says if you 'd of come to Sandra 's she 'd make you something , I says I know Eileen and so would I as well , I says I would n't have anybody coming in and bringing them sandwiches , I mean if somebody knocked on the , on our door one day from Queensbury and we did n't know they were coming and they 'd brought sandwiches with them
4 this is how much tax I 've paid , this is , I mean if you go on the dole too unless you 've made a note of it there is no record of how much you 've been paid on the dole , they , they give John the what he calls a giro , takes it to the bank and cashes it and there is no , no record of and when he 's been on the dole .
5 over subscribed courses as well , I mean when I went on the language and , and the national curriculum and that other thing that I did on the national curriculum , masses of people there .
6 And I say if you get on your hands and knees
7 but if I 'm thinking about myself then yes I look and I put on make-up
8 I do n't like to get stuck in the place on the same open road , and I like when I go on holidays right
9 I say we , for I feel that you look on things in the same way …
10 ‘ Bliss it was that dawn to be alive ’ a quote from Wordsworth , but it is how I feel as we embark on this new decade .
11 I recall that we showered thousands of leaflets all over Czechoslovakia but I doubt if one fell on Prague .
12 I cheat when I swim on my back
13 And I think if we concentrated on that , otherwise even with the publicity group , you 'd end up with them saying well what
14 I think if you clicked on it and unbound the outline I think you might avoid that .
15 Provided that your material is newsworthy and you ensure that it lands on the right person 's desk at the right time , the chances are that it will be published .
16 Sorry , the only one I eh , I eh got this idea was when I first took this up I went into the hut in the town , and I picked up the booklets , you know that they have on the counter , and in one of these booklets it had that the vet 's were now I do n't know what I 'm , I 'm very lost for everything like this , but they 've kept and therefore if your animal needed , your pet needed treatment it would be done by the private vet 's and eh , mon the money would be re would be reclaimed by the vet from the R S P C A , and I think that gave to erm .
17 You know that we insist on complete loyalty , ’ Madame Mattli continued .
18 Oh one of the hens got erm landed on the top of the black net cos I I 'd put some corn and stuff in you see and she landed on it and she got her feet stuck through netting so she was flapping and the net was just going up and down !
19 If you work if you work on a quarter page at three ninety and cos remember you 're telling all this on the phone .
20 ‘ When you travel round the world , and being brought up in a family like mine , you learn that what happens on the field is actually very important to people elsewhere , and you feel , perhaps not so much a sense of responsibility , as a sense of focus in which people identify nationally for the best kind of reasons , and are made aware of who they are and what they came from .
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