Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I regret that I do not know at what level the exemption was first introduced .
2 But then he adds , ‘ I have said and I repeat that we have not yet proved that this enveloping totalization exists ’ .
3 I repeat that I do not believe that the principal cause of last week 's riots was the conduct of the police .
4 IF and I repeat IF we buy both Jobson and Bardsley who 's going to go ?
5 I even know , thanks to Montesquieu , that one may be a Persian , but as for Man , I declare that I have never met him in my life ; if he exists it is without my knowledge.1
6 I mean that we go back a long way , and yes , there 's a very special relationship between us , but that 's because … ’ another pause , and he raked his fingers through his hair in a helpless , frustrated gesture ‘ … it was her sister I fell in love with all those years ago . ’
7 ‘ I suppose I mean that I do n't think I ought to have them . ’
8 I suppose I mean that I do n't think my husband would be a nature poet if he did n't live now , here , in England .
9 " I mean that I do n't hate him any more .
10 We cook it as I say I mean but I do n't often go up the chip shop .
11 I mean cos we have n't really sort of really done a proper day of action have we ?
12 Yes , that 's right , yes , I mean until you get there .
13 I think that 's a good point actually and that maybe target setting is sort of a training that we ought to do with all staff , I mean and I do n't know how much of that comes into this magic three hours .
14 I mean as I say now , how can you turn round to a to a bloke who 's , well does n't matter what his on , eh , what , what ever his , his rate of pay is , how can you turn round to him and say you ca n't have more than seven per cent , and his got , his got something like a about twenty five , thirty per cent .
15 I mean as I say very very good .
16 I say I do n't take them for sake I mean as you see how many you prescribed for me , ca n't you ?
17 Well it , I mean if we go down that
18 Brian is , because we 've been out a couple of times and he does , I mean if we go out he 'll smoke then and then he just normally stops .
19 You w you will tr we do n't want you know va I mean if we get too many , it could go the other way , but we i if we could get three or four items , that would be very nice .
20 I mean if we do n't we only gon na miss one or two .
21 I mean if we do n't have compatible systems , then it 's not going to make a lot of it will make a difference , but not going to make as much difference , but I think if we do it could it really could be revolutionary .
22 Well it might be , but I mean if we carry on on our present system then I would have thought there was too much travel for one person to be covering the whole of the area on the way we 're presently using Sarah , cos she does
23 I mean if you 've still got the original bag or the wrapper or , or the box or the price
24 Yeah , well I mean if you 've only got to the one machine you do n't need two boards necessarily do you ?
25 But I mean if you count how many people were there when I went to mass when it was a holy day .
26 I had n't got much , I mean if you go privately .
27 I mean if you go down Cornmarket in a normal summer , you can hardly hear anything but erm American voices , so it just shows that there is a vast potential there , but it 's getting them here .
28 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
29 Erm er I mean if you go back to 's view , i it is , it 's legitimate for the , for the masses to commit excesses , it 's not legitimate for the Party to promote them .
30 The thing is I mean if you turn round and just say to them well they 're messing about with all the hours we 've put it down to the erm
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