Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [conj] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that statements of the foregoing kind sum up what in modern times is a popular view of the kind of thing that scientific knowledge is .
2 That missing report has been put round the table this morning and I hope that members of the committee would have found it and would be able to add it to that
3 I suspect that part of the problem is that councils have an allocation of resources and the Department of Transport has helped by providing extra resources .
4 AS A MEMBER of the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway 's Publicity Department I believe that members of the general public are treated in a friendly and courteous manner when they visit our line .
5 er , progressing through the years I doubt whether samples of the child 's work are kept officially in any other form or anywhere else
6 I think that part of the reason it is so intense in the sense that every chapter practically is full of mysteries , revelations , amazing characters , love , humour and even violence .
7 I think that section of the world is the largest , and those countries contained within that section of the world have huge differences and that 's because of religion , culture , different economies , different kinds of governments and so on and so forth .
8 And I think until reviews of the standards of fire cover are applied on a uniform basis across the country , the more uniform basis than they currently are , then the figures will always be the problem .
9 On the assumption that present levels of production are maintained , I estimate that replacement of the ‘ uplands ‘ would require 0.5 — 0.6 m ha ( 1.25 — 1.5 m acres ) of lowland Britain .
10 You know that story of the man who wakes up and finds he 's turned into a beetle ?
11 We conclude that rocks of the Cordillera Blanca were not derived directly from the mantle or slab .
12 It is much easier to see the connection between stress , anxiety and colic , if we remember that problems of the digestive tract caused by stress are also quite common in people .
13 I should just like to point out , as a practising Catholic and member of Amnesty , that the ‘ Church ’ to which we refer when speaking of the Catholic Church is the whole ‘ people of God ’ and not just the Pope , Cardinal Ratzinger or other members of the hierarchy .
14 Whether we believe that inequality of the sexes is the result of genetic differences , the desire of men to control and dominate women , outdated attitudes and prejudices or historical struggle , it is undoubtedly the case that there is a continuous process of producing and reproducing inequality .
15 We believe that part of the reason lies in the fact that no integrated fleet management system has been on offer before and potential users are put off by having to deal with third parties , complicated billing arrangements which makes it difficult to access payback , and lack of geographical coverage .
16 They suggest that engorgement of the lymph nodes with fluid evokes frequency stabilisation .
17 The lawyers should explain to the management team the conflicts of interest they face as members of the selling team as well as members of the buying team .
18 In general they claim that recovery of the polluted parts of the Sound is almost complete .
19 They arise as invaginations of the body-wall between adjacent sclerites , or at the edge of a sclerite or segment .
20 Many of us believe that parts of the Bill — especially part III , which has been considered in Committee — could be improved .
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