Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] never [verb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We quarrelled a lot when I was younger , ’ Lizzie says , ‘ because I would never follow her advice .
2 She says to me , I can not continue , she 's dead already , I will never forget her face , never .
3 CHART newcomer Tasmin Archer fears she may never get her licence after failing her driving test for the third time .
4 You will have to be a little cruel to be kind or she 'll never regain her stability or independence .
5 Greg Hocking was tempted to say : At least she 'll never get her side of the story across now .
6 She could never explain her sadness , even to this her best friend .
7 But she could never keep her mind on the job .
8 For herself , she 'd never open her mouth to him again .
9 Celia had already stressed that she would never countenance her husband at the birth .
10 But as the days went on the truth became less difficult to live with than it had threatened to be , and she knew that she would never leave her husband because she , too , was to blame .
11 The woman knew he meant every word he said , but he was counting on the fact that she would never convince her husband of it .
12 She would never find her way to his house on her own ! — and recalled her headlong flight down Princes Street and her breathless arrival back at MacKay Contracting .
13 Although she quickly did all the right things : alerting the police , the coastguard and Dr Forman , Harriet Tremayne knew that she would never see her daughter again .
14 I had arranged for her to see a specialist , and he told me the condition was irreversible , that she would never lose her sight completely but that she would be almost totally blind within a year .
15 She knew he was right about his mother , but she also knew she would never forgive her father .
16 From this perspective , political power in Britain is in the hands of the Prime Minister not just because she controls the agenda but also because we would never question her right to do so .
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