Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] have no [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I 'll have no bloody money left by then .
2 We 've already lifted two Challenger CV12 power packs and once we 've fitted new ones , I 'll have no fit stock left .
3 He is large Minnie and loud and not altogether sensible often and I would have no other man in the house to manage him if need be .
4 I would have no other reason for marrying him . ’
5 If the situation continues I will have no other recourse than to set the facts before Rose Lipman .
6 That way I can have no possible access to the receiver .
7 You must reserve an area of memory which is sufficiently large for your machine code program before you assemble it , but you may have no real idea how long the program will be until after it is assembled .
8 In terms of the legalistic concept of private property , an individual is able to own an object with which he or she may have no personal relationship , thus preventing others from realizing their potential for achieving such a relationship .
9 It seemed to me you could have no other name .
10 When she arrives home in the evening , she knows she will have no stimulating exchange of news to look forward to with a husband and family .
11 You will have no personal liability to Capital Gains Tax .
12 Indeed , my woman , you will have no other choice . ’
13 One problem is that we may have no clear criterion for dividing up the workforce into classes and strata .
14 His reply is that we have no idea of material substance because matter is an impossibility and could not exist ; whereas , though we can have no sensory idea of spiritual substance , minds are not an impossibility and could exist .
15 It is ‘ manifestly impossible there should be any such idea ’ , for we can have no sensory experience of spirits .
16 Moreover , we can have no theory-independent way of describing the world .
17 If we have no intimate relationship with God , then we can have no true intimacy within marriage either .
18 Cultural items are torn from their natural social context and lumped together , in the most arbitrary fashion , with similarly uprooted , and hence distorted , elements with which they may have no necessary connection .
19 The distinction between the first two is blurred by the fact that more than one principal working together with another will de facto be in partnership even though they may have no formal agreement between them .
20 They must have no criminal record .
21 It is unreasonable that local health authorities should have to compare routine needs — for hernia operations , or knee and hip joint operations — with the problems surrounding experimental surgery , of which they must have no direct knowledge .
22 I do n't care if they 're hallucinating purple snakes and blue baboons , because the whole point of putting them on a boat is that they ca n't get off and swim home , and they ca n't get drugs on board , and they ca n't bribe you to take them to land , and that means they 'll have no damned choice but to get cured . ’
23 They would have no practical use in the rue Victorie .
24 If there were any Venusians ( perhaps made of asbestos ! ) they would have no immediate knowledge of other worlds .
25 They would have no direct control over such institutions except that they could pay them for particular services .
26 Critics fear the new scheme will remove the last vestiges of strategic planning power : although the new county planning statements will have to cover housebuilding , large industrial and commercial development , and Green Belt issues , they will have no statutory force and can not include detailed land allocations .
27 What seems to happen there is the bird that 's deserted has to stay with the existing family because if he or she erm deserts , those chicks will , will , will die , so er it 's what is sometimes called the Concorde fallacy that if you put a lot of resources into something , you 've got ta see it through , because if you pull out just before the end you can lose everything , whereas i if , if you stay on even if you know it 's a failure , erm at least you may get something out of it , so the , in that case wi with monogamous birds the parent that 's deserted the one that 's left may have to stay , because if they desert then they can have no reproductive success whatsoever whereas at least if they stay they get something .
28 And was Simone de Beauvoir ( 1972 ) justified in believing that , because women ‘ live dispersed among the males , attached through residence , housework , economic condition , and social standing to certain men — fathers or husbands — more firmly than they are to other women ’ , they can have no common identity or history ?
29 Research in any of the sciences , including medicine , may be totally ‘ unproductive ’ ; it may have no immediate bearing on making , mending , or curing .
30 On the other hand it may have no apparent effect on the child but may still have serious implications .
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