Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] to be [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Roche speaking at the launch of next year 's Leeds Classic , said : ‘ I did everything I could to be good again , but I had problems .
2 I used to be amazed how calmly grown-up people accepted it all .
3 I used to be able quite regular .
4 You ought to be strong enough by then to cope with the journey , and I can try to organise things at the hospital so that my assistants can cope . ’
5 CATHERINE Well , you used to be conceited enough without me having to add to it .
6 We used to be alone together in the midst of the world … ’
7 They were brilliant times to live in he then me uncle Ed come on leave , from France , yeah I had a look at his rifle he used to bring all his equipment cos they did n't know if the units had moved when they got back and if they used to be lucky enough to get a leave , they used to have to bring all their equipment with them you see and he used to bring his rifle , everything on leave , and I , I always remember asking him why he had n't , if he 'd killed any Germans , why he had n't got any notches on his rifle he erm
8 Yep , I 'd finished the lodging houses , they were rough , my word they were rough , they used to get drunk and fighting , and of course they used to be amusing really they used to get fighting at a lodging house quite close to the dock and after when the windows was smashed , we would find that they 'd been temporarily repaired with a coal sack taken from the coal yard next door , and all that sort of business , and anyhow , nothing particular out of the way happened until three years later of course when we got the general strike , and the strikers used to meet outside the labour institution headquarters in Street .
9 It ought to be easy enough . ’
10 It used to be necessary whenever there was a change of use to one of these forms of enterprise for planning permission to be obtained .
11 But it used to be different then … there was n't no atmosphere like there is now and there were n't no fence around the London Road like now …
12 well he used to be right out here Frank did n't he ?
13 He used to be right out here Frank , he used to be a right paunch
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