Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] have [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I may have been thinking of using the money saved from the mortgage payments on a new telly or something , but not now . ’
2 I may have been speaking to Francis but I 'm not certain of that .
3 I must have been chatting to him for about 20 minutes and he told me he 'd needed an urgent lift .
4 No and we 'd got three young girls , new , new girls and I saw those and I must have been thinking about Mandy and the car because they said something about oh when we leave we 're all going on a picnic to and I think it was Kettering or quite some time aw some
5 I must have been walking for nearly an hour , he thought .
6 At half past three Kaptan and I should have been reading from one of the textbooks but , in fact , I was lying in the Colonel 's hammock while Kaptan , with his inexhaustible energy , was trying to catch frogs .
7 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
8 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with and what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
9 ‘ The irony is that I did n't realise till Christmas , when I knew I loved you , that it was someone like you I should have been looking for all these years since . ’
10 But I might have been speaking to a corpse , she was so pale and still and silent .
11 ‘ And it did n't occur to you that I might have been referring to you ? ’
12 So , let's think about our objectives , first of all an objective , I might have come to Abbey Life to make money , last year , I might have been working in a factory , earning fifteen , twelve , fifteen thousand a year , and I might make my objective in my first year with Abbey Life to earn sixty thousand pounds .
13 I 'll have been feeling in a different way when I 've painted something three months ago , so it would be wrong to go back and work on it again .
14 ‘ He sounds just the sort of keen , experienced youngster I would have been looking for .
15 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
16 If I 'd been the archer , I thought , I would have been waiting in position , crouched and camouflaged , endlessly patient , arrow notched on bow .
17 ‘ If I had any political objectives I would have been sitting in my cantonment ( barracks ) scheming and planning , ’ Gen Beg said .
18 Had there ever been a possibility that she may have been following in the footsteps of Linda Rooke and , ahem , disrobing ?
19 There are a few conditions ; you must have been sailing within the area or bands briefed by the flotilla skipper , timing starts when the lead boat acknowledges the failure , and you must return to UK with a report signed by the flotilla skipper detailing the circumstances .
20 You must have been listening to the B.B.C. or something . ’
21 Well you must have been going during the day while I was at work then .
22 I THINK you must have been going to small moneylenders to be quoted interest rates of this sort .
23 ‘ Well , you should have been concentrating on what you were saying .
24 ‘ In that case , tell me what you were doing modelling shorts when you should have been rehearsing with the wedding dress you 're to wear at the show . ’
25 It was him she must have been thinking of .
26 She must have been thinking of Steven ( bridegroom 's name ) .
27 She suddenly became aware that she must have been thinking of Naylor Massingham for quite a bit of the journey , when she was all at once incredibly jolted by a question that flashed into her head out of nowhere .
28 She must have been looking for me because a few seconds later she spotted me and came over .
29 And it gets in your hair and it gets in your clothes , she must have been listening to the television .
30 Because Edith now Edith was going away for some unknown reason , I do n't know , she must have been going on another holiday anyhow .
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