Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] be [adj] [prep] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 I did not want any stranger thinking I could be keen on anything my sister was stupid enough to find interesting .
2 ‘ I thought it would be more amateur , ’ she kept saying , obviously surprised that I could be involved in anything that was n't a total failure .
3 I want … wanted it all or , in the end , I found I wanted nothing , although I 'd originally thought I could be satisfied with something . ’
4 But I 'd be grateful for anything — even some idea of the scale of the funds they 've been filching .
5 I 'd be hopeless at anything like that . ’
6 ‘ When I started to listen to all the stuff , I thought I 'd be sick of everything .
7 I would be chary of anything caught in these murky waters .
8 I would be comfortable with something like half that number , ’ he added .
9 I can be rational about everything except the point which most immediately concerns me , how to conduct my life .
10 and she could n't realize how she come out in these she went to the doctor and he says well you must be allergic to summat
11 She must be sickening for something , ’ Breeze declared , after a moment of stunned silence .
12 I thought you might be ready for one .
13 ‘ John Killick said you might be interested in anything anyone could remember about Stephen Summerchild . ’
14 At that moment Cowslip turned to him and said , " You 'll be glad of something to eat now .
15 You , you 'd be handy for one upstairs .
16 I mean it can be aware you can be aware of somebody with cerebral palsy having cerebral palsy and you can also be totally unaware that they have it .
17 You can be sceptical about everything else , but not about one 's immediate sense experiences .
18 If in our plans we hope for the best and are prepared for the worst then we should be ready for anything in between .
19 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
20 They may be convinced of something for which there is no obvious justification — perhaps that they are being pursued by secret agents ( delusions ) .
21 ‘ You have to remember they may be interested in something about us that we do n't know about yet .
22 When things go wrong , people want an apology properly expressed , and they should be entitled to one .
23 A BBC spokesman insisted the pair had not asked for the changes and promised : ‘ They 'll be available for anyone needing them . ’
24 They 'll be interested in anyone who was near St Matthew 's last night . ’
25 They 'd be terrible for anyone as a mother and father . ’
26 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
27 They would be grateful for anyone who has photographs , correspondence , or just memories to contact them at :
28 But it should be equal for everyone and based purely on ability .
29 I think that is wrong ; it should be necessary for someone to have a licence in order to keep animals , including keeping animals on farms .
30 It should be possible for anybody in the organization at any level to make such a suggestion .
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