Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] [subord] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I felt scared that I would be seen as crazy — that I might even go crazy : that I would begin to see little green men , jump off a tower in the belief I could fly , or just sit in a corner humming ‘ Om ’ .
2 Our concern is rather to break away from the stale confrontation of reason and spontaneity which has persisted since the Romantic Movement , to invite the man of reason to admit that he never has had any ends which did not spring from his own spontaneity , and the intuitive and impulsive that no insight that flashes from theirs can be acknowledged as objective truth until it survives the ruthless justice of reason .
3 Not one of them could be described as ordinary .
4 You may find that you 've worried about whether you 'll be seen as weak of you give it your blessing .
5 But if you claim it in your own right you 'll be classed as independent , no longer dependant on you therefore you he is n't your dependant any longer .
6 She could be described as prejudiced but she can no more be called a racist than a rape victim who hates men can be called sexist .
7 * You will be classed as disabled if you are registered blind , or receiving Mobility Allowance , Attendance Allowance , Severe Disablement Allowance or Invalidity Benefit .
8 This does not necessarily imply acceptance of these images since they may be seen as unacceptable in their own right .
9 They may be seen as obstructive when restraining rival groups of fans , but the venom and anger characteristic of , for instance , thwarted political demonstrators , is noticeably absent at most football matches .
10 The report says home phone calls can be useful but only in high phone-ownership areas , and they may be regarded as intrusive .
11 In reality , the changes may be positive for the staff , but they may be perceived as negative ( there is also the possibility that change will be negative and resistance to change is therefore a positive thing ) .
12 They may be categorised as Marxist , like Althusser 's , as structuralist ( in some senses of the term ) , as functionalist , and so on .
13 Or even worse they may be misdescribed as vestigial bequests from our primate ancestry — yet another example of the naive reductionism which sometimes passes as orthodox science .
14 They may be taken as free-standing courses or as part of a programme of modules .
15 They may be described as clearing members , or members of the clearing house administered by LCH .
16 If dare and need are not asserted as realities , then they must be conceived as mere potentialities , and since the infinitive also expresses a non-actual event in these uses , it must also be represented as a potentiality .
17 Before individual suppliers may submit tenders for orders from these kinds of customers , they must be accepted as capable and reliable .
18 They must be treated as adequate because they reflect the statutory provisions in regard to appeals by persons upon who intervention notices are served by S.I.B .
19 And to fulfil this role they must be seen as independent of the society they help to constitute .
20 But in order for these activities to be meaningful , they must be understood as communicative processes between people , and the individuals concerned must be able to construct social contexts within which their reading and writing activities can have meaning .
21 However , they face substantial difficulties in their struggles against organized capital , domestically and transnationally ( see Rowan et al. , 1980 ) and they must be considered as marginal most of the time in the global system .
22 If the modules are development versions they must be referenced as LATEST-ISSUE in the package header module relations section .
23 If the modules are development versions they must be referenced as LATEST-ISSUE in the package header module relations section .
24 For a large cichlid they must be classed as unaggressive and certainly they do not try to rearrange their surroundings .
25 Although these methods of payment are not usual for normal trade credit transactions they should be considered where sizeable amounts or longer than normal credit terms are involved .
26 In the case of the other three functions , it will be argued that it is difficult to see how they could be treated as separate : for example , the placement of tonic stress is closely linked to the presentation of ‘ new ’ information , while the question/statement distinction and the indication of contrast seem to be equally important in grammar and discourse .
27 The incorporation of the mass of the population in the nation supplied an appreciative audience and , in certain circumstances , enthusiastic recruits for imperial adventures , provided they could be presented as noble rather than money-making enterprises .
28 This enforced poverty made them easier targets for propaganda : if they left with no more than their allowance , they could be portrayed as shabby Untermenschen scuttling away like rats ; if they managed to outwit the system , then they were economic criminals fleeing with stolen goods .
29 They could be subsidised if necessary and the expenditure would scarcely equal the compensation paid for our wrecked towns and cities .
30 If the English performances in Paris and Edinburgh had been executed by New Zealand they would be proclaimed as awesome and unstoppable .
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