Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [adv] get her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sharon , that 's it , I could not get her name last night .
2 Cos I ca n't get her hair washed and clean now , look you 've put some of that nasty stuff in .
3 CHART newcomer Tasmin Archer fears she may never get her licence after failing her driving test for the third time .
4 Yet she must still get her daughter married .
5 Greg Hocking was tempted to say : At least she 'll never get her side of the story across now .
6 She compromised with China in agreeing to the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997 and with the Zimbabwean nationalists over the Rhodesian negotiations , when it became clear that she could not get her way .
7 Her heart seemed to swell in her chest — she could not get her breath !
8 It was n't only the money , but her library card , her family allowance book , the receipt from the repair shop without which she could n't get her watch back , creased photographs , with Edward 's own photograph among them , her address book , almost the whole sum of her identity .
9 Yeah , she 'd been to college but she could n't get her car started , she had to get her dad to drive her in and pick her up .
10 She was so stunned , she could n't get her tongue round a single word .
11 From time to time a harassed mother might rap angrily on the window to complain that she could n't get her push-chair past the car , which I had parked blocking the pavement .
12 And she 'd , she 'd even get her girlfriend 's mother to ring up to say she was staying there the night , the mothers used to s ring up Joan tell them that it was al alright for er for er Andrea to stay there the night and she was never , she was camping out in the fields with a crowd of them oh
13 She phoned the doctor 's she got up she ca n't get her foot in .
14 If he could n't get her practice one way , then he would try to get it by another method .
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