Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You think I should have been living life to the full , then , and not mourning your brother ? ’
2 He said slowly and dangerously , ‘ I daresay I might have been four bob down at the end of an evening .
3 Well , well what I 'll do is next week I 'll
4 I could have been old JC himself , I tell you , riding into Jerusalem on his donkey , ready to spread the Good News .
5 ‘ Anyway , all I could see were violet eyes and a wide smile , and , after a few weeks of being slowly driven to distraction by your lovely ghost following me around , I decided to come to England .
6 Some of the things I could see were some sheep droppings , a stone or two , my rucksack and an aluminium ring pull from someone 's can of juice .
7 She 'll go up up the path and all I could see was this cat , and it was hanging on for dear life up this big tree and there
8 I mean I I 'd having been these comments and yes there are a couple of extra points put in there I think that that 's fine .
9 Well , all I would say is that youca nt really be too critical of players in what is only their second match .
10 I would have been 3.5 ft tall .
11 Emma had mounted the first step of the stairs and she was unwinding her scarf when she turned and looked down on her mother , saying , ‘ I would have been many things if I had been brought up in peace . ’
12 I do n't actually know if I would have been best friends with her had I not met her before , but we get along well now , + are well suited .
13 Nicola , who had shed tears of disappointment , said : ‘ Another two seconds and I would have been Olympic champion — the girl 's eyes were going red .
14 The other vineyards were all wiped out in the phylloxera epidemic of the last century and never replanted ; but lonely though it is on the local wine lists , Irouléguy will do nicely ; I have never got much beyond the stage of dividing wines into nice and nasty when it comes to describing them , so all I shall say is that Irouléguy is nice .
15 All I can detect is great size and power .
16 The only thing I can do is straightforward police work . "
17 The best example I can give is one stretch on the Hampshire Avon .
18 If you say so sir , the only thing I can suggest is that fact that er that the noise the door opener was making and the fact I opened the door very shortly afterwards , he can only assume the door opener worked .
19 Well what I can find are eight days , where for two hours , my primary focus can be these labels , producing the labels .
20 The best I can say is that Boy looked something like , or had something like the feel of , Paul Newman when he 's playing the character christened Chance Wayne in that Tennessee Williams film .
21 But after failing to sway villagers attending the annual meeting , he allowed himself to comment : ‘ Well , all I can say is good luck to you and your children . ’
22 The only problem that I can see is that fact that many books can not be taken home and that many sources can not be photocopied .
23 All I can see is empty pavement .
24 It 's all dark and all I can see are these metal cages all round .
25 But knowing what she ought to do was one thing — putting it into action seemed to be quite another .
26 She may have been three years older than he was , pushing forty and not quite as pert as the sort of girl he favoured at this precise moment , but one day Jack would grow up , look for a real woman to take care of him , and there she 'd be , waiting and ready .
27 What you must remember is that sexuality is as basic a consciousness as information . ’
28 ‘ To the pigs with the slops , where you should have been this mornin' , ’ replied his wife .
29 She might have been any age between thirty and sixty and Wexford set the lower limit so low only because of her young children .
30 So in this chapter you will find some pointers for looking at what you might think are everyday activities .
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