Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] most [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , after lecturing on this work for twenty-five years , and though I could write out most of it from visual memory , it still sounds elusive . )
2 I have to admit that this is a feature I can live without most of the time but I like to have access to one for important documents where a silly slip would be embarrassing .
3 It is offering double the usual trade-in credit for customers turning in a System/36 or 38 in exchange for an AS/400 9404 or 9406 F model — and for the first time , the credit is more than you could get for most of the System/36 models on the used market .
4 Especially in the early 1930s , notwithstanding the pay-cuts , police officers in the city had a job secure from redundancy — which was more than you could say for most of those they policed .
5 The maximum amount of cash you can withdraw from most of our machines is £500 per day , subject to there being sufficient money in the account .
6 Put them into a product and you can take out most of the preservatives . ’
7 In conditions of rising population , such as we may assume for most of this period over most of Europe , land is scarce and labour plentiful , and the lords may commonly compel land-hungry peasants to accept their terms .
8 ‘ On November 1 they told us that normal Christmas arrangements would apply — that we would work for most of the holiday period — then they dropped this bombshell on November 22 and said we would be off for two weeks .
9 We can deal with most of these problems , however , by examining and tackling the central problems of monitoring , intervention and audience/performer relationship .
10 They 'll filter out most of the pollen , and stop it getting into the lungs — very important for asthmatics .
11 They 'd pay for most of it . ’
12 There they will remain for most of April , at least one of the pair on guard at all times on the loch in order to ward off any attempted ‘ take-over ’ , perhaps by young pairs who have n't been able to locate a suitable breeding site .
13 After two months , they finally voted the plans out by five votes to four — their reasons included an objection to the height of the pyramid and the effect it would have on the view of the city , the loss of trees in the meadow and the huge shadow it would cast over most of Oxford .
14 An audit office spokesman said : ‘ The Benefits Agency is quite confident it will track down most of the money .
15 You design your business so that it can live with most of the scenarios and actually profit from many of them .
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