Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] as [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ’ She told it to them much as I 'd told her myself .
2 Her hands were sore from beating against the hard wood , and she rubbed them absently as she tried to figure out what was going on .
3 His reactions affected me exactly as hers had done .
4 While Uncle Ted sat outside in the car Jean charged straight into the bedroom , pushing me aside as I tried to protect my parents ' privacy .
5 He knew she was getting at him — imagine a man like Marc Vila admitting to being foolish ever ! — but if she kept calm like this she could undermine him just as he had tried to undermine her .
6 He waved her away as she ran to help .
7 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
8 If they had given his note to her exactly as he had said
9 Luke had brought her home as he had intended .
10 Jonathon knew he had less than two miles to go and that his faithful horse would trudge him home as he had done many times before .
11 The elegance of his own style , the willingness of the assistants , the feeling that an endless flow of joy emanated from this eccentric and astute little man , the jade-green charm of the suit that was eventually chosen , the reserve , the luxury , the civilization of that day came back to her now as she stood gazing at iron scaffolding , aware of drunks in the square opposite and the depression that had undermined the world , and her , since the buoyancy of that radiant and particular day .
12 With resignation she felt the colour steal into her face , and knew he would n't believe her even as she tried to explain that she had n't even seen the rings but had been absorbed by the ornaments .
13 ‘ But they shot him again as he lay dying . ’
14 ‘ There seemed to be some doubt in your mind about my exact gender , ’ Maggie put in drily , and he cast her an irritated look , his dark eyes running over her again as she sat facing him , her hands in the pockets of the loose shirt .
15 She had been standing on the bank above him with her booted feet apart , her hands jammed into the pockets of her tight-fitting breeches , and for a fleeting instant he looked at her appraisingly as he had done at the reception .
16 Gasping with desperate exertion , she got the canoe into the water , and leapt into it just as he seemed to realise what she was doing .
17 There followed a silence during which Agnes gripped the stanchion of the door and brought her chin tight into her chest , only to raise it again as she endeavoured to hear what her father was now saying quietly and with a purposeful intent , ‘ You should n't have said that , Alice .
18 ‘ But I was cautious about it too as I 'd seen both sides — the periods of unemployment as well as the glossy side of my father being in something so popular like Howards ' Way . ’
19 They had touched hers briefly as he had helped her belt herself in .
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