Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She looked at me crossly over the breakfast table .
2 Lower them slowly to the start position .
3 I think what attracted me most about the country round was its Englishness , meadows deep in grass and wild flowers , and willows wherever there was water .
4 It took me right to the McDarroch days as he fished out one forceps after another , opened and shut them a few times then tried them on me .
5 no here they are , I know I 've seen them somewhere on the window sill
6 Yeah , oh do n't tip them all over the table sweetheart
7 Peter first came to see me halfway through the golfing season .
8 Functionally the nerve cells may be sensory ( afferent ) neurons , conveying impulses inwards from the sense organs ( p. 123 ff. ) , motor or efferent neurons , conveying them outwards to the effector organs , and association neurons ( interneurons ) that link the other two types .
9 A different allocation of resources might also have produced growth , but diverting them merely to the home market would have substituted only on the assumption that resources were already being fully utilised there .
10 But facing me in the nets for two winters , he got to know my bowling inside out and by the end of our stay in Cape Town he was hammering me all around the practice area .
11 For although Cabezón 's compositions first appeared in print in Luys Venegas de Henestrosa 's Libro de cifra ( figure notation ) nueva para tecla ( keyboard ) , harpay vihuela ( Alcala , 1557 ) , and the rest of them only in the Obras de musica published posthumously by his son ( Madrid , 1578 ) , no doubt many had been written as early as the lute pieces in Narvaez 's Delphin de musica ( Valladolid , 1538 ) .
12 When , and only when , the paper and the paint have completely dried , I emphasise the highlights by rubbing over them gently with a typewriter eraser , the variety which can be sharpened to a point to increase accuracy .
13 When , and only when , the paper and the paint have completely dried , I emphasise the highlights by rubbing over them gently with a typewriter eraser , the variety which can be sharpened to a point to increase accuracy .
14 For instance , I was able to witness the dogs ' problems first-hand as Melanie muzzled them and brought them together into the living room .
15 Like the they 're names are Swedish sounding but if you put them together like an Asterix book they they sound like something else .
16 The mountains of my youth were able to influence me only through the back window of a Ford Anglia , as we drove north for camping holidays in the rain .
17 It steals between us in such a way that whether or not he sees me only as the outline Woman , I see him through it only as the crude outline Man .
18 What is clear is that this was all one society , in which the wives — like Mrs Lowndes herself — wrote books or maintained salons , while their husbands were functionaries , some of them much in the public eye as ministers of the Crown , others — like Frederic Lowndes — no less influential and esteemed for operating under wraps , as grey eminences .
19 With the playback that in fact erm as has said it showed me what in fact I was doing right and wrong , erm I 've been on television before once when I was running the London marathon but this time it was actually me and me alone in a work element and I could in fact see what I was doing and why I was doing it and understand in fact the corrections from the morning to in fact the afternoon presentation when I came back for the second one .
20 ‘ It was obviously a good way to raise money for local charities , instead of just throwing them away in the waste bins .
21 Meanwhile the world 's top players have turned down a tempting financial offer aimed at attracting them away from the Ulster Milk Games match between Europe and Asia in Belfast on June 8 .
22 An empty drink tube rolled between their feet as the jitney wheeled into motion , whisking them away from the cargo concourse and plunging into the tunnels of Plenty .
23 Their parents must lead them away from the nest site to other areas where they can collect food and find hiding places .
24 Anyway , most of these girls grew out of these crushes — soon the great problem was to keep them away from the Grammar School boys at the other end of the road .
25 I had visited the apartment at least a dozen times , but I still found the fact of a lift opening directly into a living room incredibly impressive ; a proof of wealth as convincing as the possession of gold taps or of mink rugs or of the girl who waited to greet me just beyond the lift doors .
26 It is , however , quicker and more accurate to calculate them arithmetically from the summary points .
27 The Fanatics are the real weapon , the Mob is just a means of deploying them close to the enemy lines .
28 There are one or two old professors here left over from before the liberation ( apparently no profs have been appointed since ) and the professor of English , Prof. Chen Jia , is a charming though deaf old fellow who studied in the U.S.A. , and who used to write books on English literature before the Cultural Revolution put a stop to all that sort of thing — but even so he quoted a bit of Chaucer to me surreptitiously at the dinner table .
29 This seems to them more like a building site than a City office .
30 Evening : invited me home to a buffet meal with a group of friends and colleagues , including , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Linguistics CIEFL ) , ( Correspondence Course , CIEFL ) , ( Materials Production , CIEFL ) .
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