Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Can I just go over the page onto the number six , that says what we 've already done .
2 It 's just that , well , I was passing Mr Connon 's house and I just looked over the hedge and I saw someone .
3 but if I find I want little bits an bobs what I need I just pop over the road .
4 Rather than trying to bluff your way through , it is better to say something like , ‘ Right at this moment it 's rather difficult to remember the exact details , could I possibly look over the advertisement again ? ’
5 So I quickly went over the ship 's side and into the nearest boat .
6 Each morning before I leave for work , I bid a cordial ( ? ) farewell to the one perched on my roof and each night I count my fish to see if he 's penetrated the net I hurriedly stretched over the pool .
7 I never got over the shock .
8 SEAN HUGHES ( comedian ) : ‘ I never got over the fact that my penis looked like Bobby Charlton .
9 Miss Blagden duly took the wretched gun and it was she who was kind enough to write on delivering it : — I found your husband very well , Wilson , and as expected by you much agitated over the rumours that another concerted effort is to be made to free and unite his country which subject I may say engages the minds and hearts of his employers hardly less .
10 Yes you just write over the top , sort of write over the top of it and it raises off
11 You see when you go down the bottom of the sea where the villa is you just go over the roundabout , and it , you just go straight over and that 's all the
12 They 'll probably get somebody to contact you over there and you just hand over the material and come quietly home without blowing any bridges behind you .
13 ‘ For my money she just came over the top of the hill from the Broughton side too fast .
14 So eh , no she still goes over the downs with me you know .
15 YOU really went over the top today , Charlie , ’ grinned the Captain to the Old Stager as they reassembled for the match .
16 For answer he pushed her in the shoulder , and when she almost tipped over the bird cage at her feet his other hand came out and , steadying her , he laughed down into her face as he said , ‘ Sarky little bitch , are n't you ?
17 She almost fell over the gate in her haste to race to the fire .
18 ‘ May we just go over the events of last night again ? ’ asked Montgomery , his incisive brain stringing together the salient points of a decidedly hesitant statement .
19 And at that stage it was too late to go down the rope so it was just instinct more than anything else that we just jumped over the side from where we were then .
20 ‘ I used to see Dad every now and again , say once a month , and we usually spoke over the phone at least once a week .
21 Just as we stepped over a rise , we nearly fell over the boy racer and party having their lunch .
22 We then checked over the cars and made an arrest .
23 ‘ And the clouds came down , and we lost the path , and we almost walked over the top of a thousand-metre cliff , and … ’
24 It will not please members of the Prison Officers Association , who have kept me well informed over the years .
25 Men like Murrells and Browne , and Major Clarence Buxton in Kenya , were celebrated as much for the influence they supposedly wielded over the Masai as for their partiality for them-'Murrells will keep situation under control' .
26 They almost tripped over the body of a Sellsword , his neck tilted at a weird angle ; and then saw Ratagan .
27 Well she waits me sometimes go over the field and
28 It just slithered over the surface , then , as its wheels became clogged , it stopped , settled down , and slowly , inch by inch , began to sink .
29 he can be funny but sometimes he just goes over the top .
30 And it still fits , it still fits over the hump .
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