Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] some [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
2 The frontispiece from a copy of the music from the Peer Gynt suite by Grieg was a beautiful piece of artwork even before it was decorated , so I only arranged some flowers in two of the corners , rather than all the way round , which would have overpowered the original design .
3 I just heard some horseshit about a hoax call to a radio show … ’
4 Well this is where Michael is a he would rather , I mean when I say to him can I just do some work on you calc I say , no , cos you are not doing any work , the calculator 's doing the work .
5 No do n't come up I 'll slide this down it 's not very heavy , I just put some bits of stuff in , it 's not terribly heavy
6 So , I just pulled some blankets over me and waited for somebody to come .
7 I just want some help with these , writing these forms and target setting .
8 I just want some time to myself , ’ she repeated calmly .
9 Well no I just , I just notice some jackets with them things
10 Of course , I already had some experience with the various falconers ' knots and changing jesses with a bird perched on my fist , but poor old Derek got himself a bit tied up .
11 I already recognised some members of the Union Jack Club , and Colonel Fawcett gave me a hearty handshake while his thin , ill-looking wife reminded me about joining the bridge games .
12 ‘ Anyway , ’ he went on , trying to find excuses for himself , ‘ I reckon I always had some sort of imminence because I 'd feel a hunch rolling up inside me like a breaker on the ocean and I 'd just know what was going to win .
13 It should be clear from the previous chapters that although I still had some sense of personal identity when I became anorexic , I simply did not have the opportunity or know-how to form an Eriksonian ego identity .
14 Can I still put some fish in the pond or will they eat the wildlife ?
15 I still have some problems with the idioms , ’ he said .
16 ‘ The force of the blast ripped the buckle off my watch and I still have some bits of shrapnel inside me , which will make their way out . ’
17 And I do believe I still have some influence with my husband . ’
18 ‘ It seems that I still have some friends in Swansea , ’ Edward said softly , ‘ no-one could convict me on such trumped-up evidence .
19 I usually have some sympathy for a player who is dismissed simply for being over-aggressive , but I draw the line when this aggro is carried out on a fellow team mate .
20 I also take some comfort from the fact that I have enormous pleasure in remembering all those who I dealt with in this capacity returned to the Pathfinder Force before the end and wished sincerely to finish their Pathfinder tour .
21 I now have some idea of what it 's about .
22 I really need some advice about what to wear for the wedding . ’
23 I really need some guidance about modern authors .
24 I even managed some shortswings at the top .
25 I even took some photographs of myself crying so that I could show them to Marcus later and he could see how upset I had been .
26 I then bought some dittany in the fine , covered , nineteenth-century market .
27 I therefore have some sympathy with the New Ager , but I can not understand why he is in such a hurry to rebuild his world on foundational beliefs which have already crippled millions upon millions of fellow human beings .
28 However , I recently received some literature about the appalling treatment of dogs and cats in South Korea where they are apparently regarded as a gourmet food .
29 Let me just , le I 'm not really a , I 'm not really a very numerate political scientist but let me just run some numbers by you to give you an idea of the escalation of the change .
30 You obviously have some doubts about me ? ’
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