Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] out [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She just appears out of thin air- ’ At this point Mildred broke off and looked around in case she had done just that , but she had n't .
2 And rubbish oh she was , I mean she never got out of bad for a week !
3 I was going to take you out — you never go out on New Year 's Eve . ’
4 Erm we also lost out on permanent way standard drawings against the Glasgow office who were desperate for work .
5 Some pots can look rather sparse at first but with good compost , regular feeding and attention to watering , they soon fill out into good-sized plants .
6 And in passing as well , as the movement gathered pace , they also hit out against patriarchal ideas and institutions , other things that the peasants could be lead to believe had , had wronged them .
7 Or if liver and limb bud cells are mixed they too sort out into large clumps ; but they make neither a proper liver nor limbs .
8 This should be set so that it only comes out under considerable pressure .
9 It suddenly happened out of thin air .
10 The phrasing got so slow and emphatic that you knew that she wanted you to listen to and weigh up every single word ; but you could n't tell if each word was freighted with anger , or bitterness , or joy ; it just came out with great , quiet force , and you had to work out its tone for yourself .
11 this one it just comes out like soft rubber
12 He did n't ever change himself , he just went out with organised women . ’
13 Did he ever go out with pretty girls ?
14 J. D. Hooker was one of the first scientists to be informed of Darwin 's new theory back in the 1840s , and he now came out in public support of the Origin of Species .
15 The BM introduces some randomness into its switch settings , which is intended to make it sometimes jump out of local minima .
16 Second , the same is true of the mental work that people do on the job , for as this work grows more complex , it too separates out into distinct categories or types of mental activity .
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