Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , I duly had a site meeting with Mr. George on 4th June .
2 I better have the dishwasher going .
3 I just saw the knife heading for my face .
4 Personally , I just get the feel going and I 'm out of here !
5 I once heard a couple making plans and counter-plans for a family outing ; after much discussion one of them said , ‘ As far as I can see , there are disadvantages in all those schemes . ’
6 I once heard a recording dating from the American election of 1948 .
7 I once had a thing going with Leila Saatchi . ’
8 I once watched a Yank pursuing a Waaf down the length of Woolworths in Cambridge .
9 I once watched a lioness hunting a zebra .
10 I said I always imagined the pattern starting at the N1 cam and spreading out to the point cams .
11 So I always imagine the pattern spreading outwards across my knitting from the N1 cam until it reaches the point cams , where it stops .
12 I usually left the night meeting about 2.00 pm , but quite often after that Anthony [ Eden ] had long telephone conversations with Guy Mollet , the Prime Minister of France , which went on until 4.00 or 5.00 am .
13 I usually leave a message saying I 'm having sex at the moment ring back in about three seconds .
14 I 've watched a lot of American campaigning at close quarters including the primaries and presidential election of 1980 , the Republican Convention in 1984 ( when I also spent a week travelling with Ronald Reagan ) and the most recent Republican
15 I also have a problem finding valves for my amp .
16 I also have a bag belonging to her .
17 I also found an envelope lying around in the bathroom the other day with a list of numbers on the back , and when I asked her about it , she took it silently out of my hand .
18 Referring to Adams 's advice , Llewellyn said : ‘ I listened closely and I also learned a lot schooling the horse over nine fences and while watching videos of Andrew riding him .
19 I really liked the band playing all them songs .
20 By this time , the southern part of the north Atlantic was presumably wide open , and I strongly suspect a crack going up as far as east Greenland .
21 I even got a job cleaning for £26 a fortnight and he spent that too , that used to make me feel dead small .
22 I even have a problem getting mistaken for Margaret out of Brookside — no-one ever recognises me !
23 I even drew a donkey playing and a devil dancing .
24 I well recall the Opposition saying , ’ If you wish to see what a Labour Government would be like , look at Labour local government . ’
25 I presently see a figure approaching from a hundred yards off , up the middle of the street : a tall young woman , in a close white cap , and a short frock of lilac cotton , and coarse sack-cloth apron , and strong boots .
26 I almost caused an accident coming back from Bedford yesterday , there 's somebody in an X R three i right up my arse so I just coming onto the motorway , the M four to Bracknell and erm comes right up my arse and I had to come out cos there was this car coming on you know , from further up the the lane and it was coming on and I was already on , so I overtook it let it did to let it come out you know ?
27 I never had no trouble startin' up old Random , God Bless Him , ’ he said , ‘ though this new mare , Dandy 's trickier . ’
28 In fact there were very few guide dogs at that time and erm I 've never felt that erm it 's , I mean maybe just my erm silliness really but I , I never wanted a dog lying about all day because once at the office I stayed put as it were until it was time to go home and I could have taken the dog I suppose during the lunch hour but I preferred that time to erm to reading
29 I certainly left the meeting feeling that way , ’ Clive Rowlands , the president of the WRU , said .
30 I RECENTLY found a wallet containing credit cards which I could have used in a dishonest way .
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