Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I rather suspect it could lead to a lot of foul-hooked fish , which is another thing I deplore when done deliberately .
2 I presume the reason for the change is to ensure prompt receipt of the subscriptions — I only wish we could do the same with our customers !
3 I only wish we could show them more of it ’ .
4 I only wish and I mean this very sincerely I only wish we could spend as much time and as often as is spent discussing fox hunting on the county 's homeless , on abused children , on the handicapped , on the increasing crime and on unemployment and I only wish that the media and the public and even members of this council would take as much notice of that as they do about this debate on fox hunting .
5 ‘ As I said to Sergei back at the hotel , I only wish we could have used our own people to babysit Mobuto .
6 I only wish we could see more of your family . ’
7 I only wish I could do that .
8 Of course all this business must seem mysterious to you , and I only wish I could tell you … ’
9 I only wish I could wave a wand and grant her wish , ’ said Santa .
10 I only wish I could mention everyone and everything that goes to make up the whole of Christian Aid and its spirit , but be assured that we do not forget any contribution or take anyone 's help for granted .
11 I am sorry your life is so burdensome , I only wish I could help in some way .
12 He said , ‘ I only wish I could help you more .
13 I only wish I could say the same about your politicians . ’
14 I only wish I could say the same of some other companies !
15 I only wish I could have hit the third . ’
16 I only wish I could have been with Mr Grant when he researched the feature .
17 you know I only wish I could have heard him
18 ‘ I know that , my darling and I only wish I could see more of you and the children .
19 I just assumed I could rent a plane and fly over .
20 I just knew I could trust you .
21 When we took the step we did last May , we did n't desert the Tory Party , we rebelled against it and I for one said that I would go back in the fullness of time , I just hoped I could go back with something to show for it .
22 I just wish we could do the things we want without having to worry where the money is coming from . ’
23 Understandably , whilst we are all concerned with crime we hear little of burglary and yet we have something like 60 new reported crimes a day the vast majority are burglaries and I just wish we could do more about those crimes .
24 Some maths work will , I am sure , be very helpful in later life ; I just wish we could get to that bit soon !
25 I just wish you could stay longer . ’
26 I just wish you could believe that Eddie 's death was an accident and nothing to do with me . ’
27 I just wish he could have been here to see it . ’
28 It , do it now while you 're young , while you 've got your strength , because there will come days when you look around and you think well I just wish I could do that again , and that 's the way we 're made , and that 's the way it will always be in this system of things , but there 's lots of little things that we , you and I , can work on to help us to stay spiritually alert , vigilant and awake .
29 I just wish I could control him , ’ she says .
30 When it 's a good show , I just wish I could put my guitar down and really join in .
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