Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] he [modal v] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I told her I was n't there , I 'd left , and I thought he 'd smash things up and my china cabinet would be the first . "
2 I said he 'd bring trouble to us all . ’
3 And I suggested he should contact Evans himself for full details . ’
4 Serota , who danced with the Royal Ballet ( as Angela Beveridge ) , persuaded Bruce to apply for the position of artistic director because she believed he could restore Rambert to the forefront of British dance .
5 Maria followed Christ to the end ; he was her inspiring Lord , he had changed her life and she knew he could change others .
6 She wished he 'd stop crying
7 We thought he would court Lothian .
8 After Richard had got out , it went slowly but at least we knew he 'd get help . ’
9 He needed a bath and quickly , he imagined he could smell smoke and the sour stench of sweat from his skin .
10 He felt an urge to reach out and rescue some of the sheets of paper on which he imagined he could see writing , but the heat was extreme .
11 He decided he would show Gaveston he was not frightened but be wary of making any rash move .
12 But , before he came back to his Tyneside home , he decided he would visit India to see the white tigers .
13 He said he thought he would commit suicide .
14 He started to sit up , seeking her face , but she was already moving down the bed , and moments later he felt her lips on his stomach , and then upon the head of his cock , which she took into her mouth by degrees , her tongue playing on it as she went , until he thought he would lose control .
15 He thought he 'd blow Jack 's head off , collect from your client and grab a banana-boat . ’
16 That same day he told me , as if he were giving me a magnificent present , that he thought he could pull strings and have me posted with him .
17 His espousal of Blast closed to him just those doors that were on the point of opening ; and twenty years later , when he desperately wanted such access to the power-wielding centres of society , he was condemned to the world of fantasy in which he thought he could influence United States policy by way of such unlikely intermediaries as Senators Borah and Bankhead , and Italian policy by way of Ubaldo degli Uberti .
18 He thought he could smell dope ; grass or resin fumes .
19 Then he thought he could smell Donald 's feet .
20 And because he thought he could cheat death .
21 How he thought he could love Mama so much and dislike her friends and relations on the grounds that they were Italian , I do n't know .
22 He thought he could hear footsteps now , nailed boots scuffing on worn stone .
23 He thought he could hear voices now ; silvery , gentle voices , dark voices , that made you think you might be being watched .
24 She was regarding the Prince with the faintest and saddest of smiles , in which he thought he could read affection and indulgence , and surely also a soft , secret gleam of derision .
25 He thought he could write Crowe a parody at once elegant and shocking .
26 It is precisely because he knew who God was that he knew he could trust God in the dark .
27 With a little food inside him he felt he might find composition easier .
28 Relaxing before the fire in the warm room , he felt he could view Cleo Sinister with unprecedented clarity .
29 He had spent so much time with Eloise that he felt he must make love to his wife that night , however tired he felt .
30 If he slept he might have nightmares about Will and Chessie .
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