Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] of [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then I asked of him concerning the suffering .
2 I thought of him as a patrician in the Roman tradition , cultured , erudite , civilized , governed above all by his sense of duty .
3 Until I was seventeen , only occasionally and briefly meeting him , I thought of him as the rather alarming head of the family .
4 I thought of him as the rhino : myopic , short-legged , thick-skinned , not too bright but with a mean temper , a surprising turn of speed over a short course , and , above all , a keen sense of smell .
5 For the rest of the evening , I thought of nothing but the stranger on the marshes .
6 I thought of nothing except the great happiness of being with him for ever .
7 I thought of myself as a connoisseur of girls ' good looks ; and I knew that this was one to judge all others by .
8 The corrugations of the track were half-filled with grit so that the wheel lost momentum in each hollow and at times I thought of myself as an engine-driver , pushing my train back to the station , always careful not to trip over the sleepers .
9 Hugh Stoddart says of it now : ‘ I thought of it as a film set in peacetime about the people who are the cannon fodder in wartime ’ .
10 In my mood of delight , I thought of it as a beautiful idea for these were roads that go nowhere , nowhere that could interest men .
11 I thought of it as a sanctuary , and something more as if there were some magic property in the room itself that would stop this happening , if only I could reach it .
12 But then I thought ‘ Driven By You … ’ and ping ! the lights went on ; I thought of it as the power struggle that goes on in relationships .
13 I thought of us as the little princes in the Tower , and of the city of London as the cruel torturer Hubert who at any moment might come and put out our poetic eyes .
14 Well where 's the one I took of you in the tree ?
15 After my first sight of him that sunny autumn morning in the gallery of the courtyard in the Palacio de Anaya , his face haunted me all day , and I dreamt of him during the night — a long , ecstatic dream of such acute sensual pleasure I woke up aching and exhausted by too much bliss .
16 When I reached the House of Andrus I spoke of it to the other women and we said a prayer .
17 She thought of him as a drug-running tyrant .
18 She thought of him as a big tree , with strong branches that enabled her to climb him , which she did when he was home .
19 With the most supreme effort she had ever made , she thought of him as the patient .
20 She thought of him as an aging hippy .
21 She felt as distant from Dada as on that faraway teatime when he had turned down Dora 's Dolls ' House in favour of his photograph album though now she thought of him with a gentle benevolence , the distance between them was changeless .
22 Or rather , they would now be on their way back , since they had decided ( Franca could imagine the little conversation , she thought of it as a ‘ little ’ conversation ) to stay away only one night , instead of the three nights originally planned .
23 She spoke of her with a feeling of pity and horror difficult to understand — until one recollected that ‘ B ’ block , now modernized and comfortable , had been part of the old Workhouse building .
24 Moving the suspension of standing orders at the next meeting of Cork County Council , Councillor Gene Fitzgerald TD complained that the first council members heard of the planning decision was when they read of it in the morning paper .
25 Once they talked of it in the village shop , the whole village would know by nightfall .
26 It was important to him , important enough to see that members of his family met her and that he found out what they thought of her as a possible wife for him .
27 For one thing , the Hebrews did not divide man up into spirit , mind and body as we tend to do : they thought of him as a single entity , an animated body , a living person .
28 As Paul-Henri Spaak was later to remind the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe in 1964 , ‘ Those who drew up the Rome Treaty … did not think of it as essentially economic ; they thought of it as a stage on the way to political union ’ .
29 He talked of her as a goddess beyond reproach who was being restrained against her will .
30 Coffin and Gabriel ( it was surprising how quickly he thought of them as a couple ) .
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