Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] that they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I addressed first two ancient problems : the relationship between Luke and Acts ( I found that Acts resembled Luke more than it resembled any other book of the NT ) and the relationship between the Apocalypse and the Gospel of St John ( I found that they differed from each other more than any other two books of the NT ) .
2 I guessed that they came from the execution during the second war .
3 I divined that they spoke of the woman who was on trial for her life in Geneva on the morrow .
4 I sensed that they approved of him whole-heartedly , and that by comparison I was no longer the blue-eyed boy of the family : I did not come up to scratch .
5 She knew that they relied on a book called a Grimoire for their contact with Evil .
6 And she said that they seem to be selling more
7 They reported that they knew of no matter involving her in any way and asked for a description of the white identification cards .
8 They claimed that they lived in Walton village .
9 It asked that they turn in their " heavy and medium-calibre weapons and ammunition " no later than April 30 .
10 He argued that they consisted of a material substance , the ‘ germ plasm ’ , which transmitted characters from parents to offspring via the nucleus of the egg and sperm cells .
11 It helped that they believed in his faked war record and legends such as that the religious leader Gregorio Aglipay inserted a slither of wood into Marcos 's back before the Bataan campaign in 1942 , allegedly giving him magic powers .
12 He claimed that they contributed to the ‘ degeneration of a once prestigious avenue ’ .
13 He saw that they kept in their lines , with their helms and weapons in reach , and went back to the awning his servants had raised with a bench under it , and some saddles .
14 He knew that they came from two different worlds , but still nothing would deter him .
15 — The question of job swaps was not clear in Tim 's paper — for example for Area Secretaries it meant that they wanted to job swap they could do so by moving region
16 He would n't let me pay that for it , he said that they had at the shop .
17 He said that they behaved like ‘ wild dogs ’ when they broke up a peaceful placard demonstration by schoolchildren , beating them with whips and clubs .
18 He said that they changed between the moor gate and the end of the Alley .
19 Walking back across the fields , he suggested that they stop by the lake on the way .
20 The analytical techniques of which he was a master were inadequate to separate these metals completely , and he concluded that they merged into one another , being varieties rather than true species produced by inorganic evolution .
21 When I asked him what those eminent shrinks did with themselves in the evenings he explained that they gathered in the hotel bar .
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