Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] and [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But I was gon na tell you about there was one day I was at for money and I 'm coming up the road , and here this chap was standing in the road and er kind of thumbing a lift , so I says to him , I stopped and I often lift people in the road but er after he got into the , I had an old Bradford van at the time , and he said er , I said to him , I says , are you on a hiking holiday ?
2 I fell a d do you remember we went before and I fell and I just sat there and I could n't , they , this erm woman and this man come to help me up and I could n't stop laughing , they could n't get me up .
3 ‘ I said I did and he simply replied that they should get a short , sharp answer , ’ she said .
4 I said And I always say that it 's the Orcad
5 Her reflections were interrupted by Dora , whom she had vaguely noticed rummaging in the boot of their car when she arrived and who now came striding towards them .
6 She wiggled and I almost lost my train of thought .
7 and I think , I think the difficulty with that is until you know it , as one person said to Alex in front of me ah well , we , we did exactly what you required and you never brought any audience , there was no audience , do you remember that ?
8 I asked her how she knew and she just said that she always thought that it was obvious .
9 I had the feeling that Signe had n't dismissed Harvey 's words of caution about me as completely as she professed and I carefully refrained from asking about the parcel .
10 A lot of them of course went to the quarries , but then they had a little steamer called the Florence Cook and she plied wherever she went and you probably know where she went .
11 We got on well from the moment we met and we still see each other from time to time , and talk for hours about the good old days .
12 … In a court it would be so easy if I was on the other side to get up and say that in respect of eight of the conditions ‘ We complied and we only contravened the suspended solids condition and we 're very sorry it was 30,000 p.p.m. but you 're not gon na cane us for that are you , Mr Magistrate ?
13 But er at any rate , we managed and he never asked after that .
14 Well I say , if we did and you just took it in and I went in the next day and picked it up .
15 And er we left and we never went back there , that 's when I went to the private school .
16 The nouveaux romanciers themselves have been reluctant to embrace the term , which has tended to occur on those occasions when parallels are bring drawn with novelists in other countries , as at the New York nouveau roman conference in 1982 which many of them attended and which also saw the participation of several leading American postmodernists .
17 They dated , they rowed and they finally got married .
18 He came and he just slashed the railways you see .
19 so it shows that er , you know , the globe is warming up , even in Russia where I went , my mother , where I , where I was staying at er Dunyask , there was five metre snow sometimes in the , it , it came and it just blocked your windows , it blocked your doors and you were inside the house and you could n't get out
20 He did n't change his clothes too often , and when he did he just picked up whatever was around him — Eva 's jumpers , Dad 's waistcoats , and always my shirts , which he borrowed and I never saw again .
21 and then it finished and he always turns video off but he never turns telly off , so I turned the telly off
22 Besides , she was his secret , something that he knew and nobody else did .
23 There was no way I was ever going to ride as well as he did and he surely knew it .
24 you see , he , he he can he cancelled cos his name came up and then he cancelled and he never heard anything and went a bit er we told him about Doreen , he said , oh I better go down and see what 's happened er he went down and then about three minutes later he got this erm card yes er , this week to say that come in , but , before you come in ring to see if there 's a bed .
25 It had and he duly got down in two more for another of his safe pars .
26 He said and I just do n't take no notice of him .
27 Cos we did have a young man I say young man , he was in his early twenties , he used to do all that , and he left and they never replaced him !
28 Gladly , willingly , he accepted and he again became a familiar figure at our ground as he had been all those years before .
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