Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [been] [v-ing] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been going out with Heather on and off , with one or two other girls in between .
2 ‘ I 'd say you 'd been sitting out in the sun too long . ’
3 Course I di I did n't get to know much else but it was obvious you see , she 'd been going out with a young man , her husband was in the Forces and er she 'd tried to get rid of it .
4 In all the months that she 'd been going out with Adrian , he 'd never once asked to talk to her like that , in that special way , during school time .
5 She had been calling out to him , pleading , arms outstretched , ‘ Wait for me .
6 Her broken optic shifted painfully , and she realized she had been seeing out of her empty left eyesocket .
7 She and Jack , the boy she had been walking out with , were saving up so that they could buy the shop from old Mr Peabody , who wanted to retire .
8 A wheel designed just to go on turning , never stopping , so that for a hundred years with a hundred more to follow , she had been coming out of this cottage doorway , carrying her carpet-bag , filling her lungs with this damp , sooty air which had started to make Liam cough , reminding herself — as one simply had to do — to be thankful for such mercies as came her way , however small .
9 She had been in the royal straitjacket for five years and , like most women who marry and have children when they are very young , she began to realize what she had been missing out on .
10 When she was nineteen she had been going out with a steady boyfriend for three years , and they had decided to get married .
11 well needs a I think one of the things we discussed in the branch action group meeting is actually , were n't quite sure what the cos we 'd been sending out for quite less than ten of the branches because to do something to them which was mm apparently lots of them in but erm well they keep disappearing so that the what we 've been talking about is to try and get some points erm health and safety station within the branch , which actually just has all this stuff for it .
12 To confirm his fears , when we had been driving out of Tangier docks late at night , having only just arrived on African soil , a group of men had tried to stop us .
13 And when they had been hiding out in Tom Rooney 's house , they had still fallen into the roles of master and maid , and on board ship Patrick 's attitude , influenced by Tom 's warning , had been stand-offish .
14 In all the time that he 'd been living out on the Step Pete had seen only one stranger go by , and that was a hiker who 'd stopped to ask the way because he 'd been lost .
15 But he did n't tell me he 'd been going out with her for three weeks and he 's never .
16 The deputy was a Socialist , he had been speaking out against the old work conditions that were being reimposed .
17 He had been pointing out of the window and asking me if I liked the weather or the colour of the cows .
18 He seemed almost normal again ; he had been staring out of the window and had commented on a street name he remembered from his London period .
19 Six months before her overdose Liz terminated the relationship with her boyfriend of two years ' standing after she discovered he had been going out with another girl .
20 If he had been walking out with any other girl in service in the town they could have stayed in on a wet night and talked by the kitchen range , but with the Hogans hovering around he had to bring Patsy out into the rain .
21 I could not have cared if he had been lying out on those wild moors bleeding to death .
22 If he had been working out of the Embassy in Washington , if he was being shunted round the F.B.I .
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