Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [prep] if she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That 's to say , she had firm features and smartly cut , possibly dyed hair obviously kept under regular control , and she behaved as if she had known a time when she turned every head and expected you to be aware of this too .
2 She behaved as if she owned the place .
3 Alexei met Mei Ling 's enquiring gaze , and after a moment she nodded as if she understood .
4 Edouard , moved by her words , lifted his hand gently to touch her arm and , to his horror , she flinched as if she expected him to hit her .
5 And she walked as if she knew where she was going .
6 She talked as if she had taken on the mantle of Philip Marlowe , a female arch sleuth for whom the teeming underworld held no secrets .
7 Frankly , she looked as if she 'd got a few bundles of twelve-page letters stuffed up her woolly even now .
8 She looked as if she had just got out of bed , and McLeish had a sudden vision of a dark basement flat with greasy mugs on every surface .
9 She was about the same age as his own daughter but she looked as if she had the troubles of the world on her .
10 Her father said she looked as if she had gone three rounds in the boxing ring .
11 She looked as if she had withered from within , and she was obviously disturbed .
12 She looked as if she had heard a lot more , but was too tactful to say so .
13 She looked as if she had been kissed thoroughly — her fair hair was tangled , her lips full and red , and even her own blushing made the point clearer .
14 She looked as if she had a lapful of tropical bird feathers .
15 She looked as if she had been attacked .
16 She looked as if she wanted to go back in but her mum kissed her goodbye and shut the door flat in her face and went off back to bed .
17 She looked as if she needed that weekend away .
18 She looked as if she needed a pillow ; her head was thrown back awkwardly .
19 She looked as if she did n't know what I was talking about , which was OK .
20 When she finally reached the scribbling engine , she felt as if she had been broken in two and glued back together again all wrong .
21 It could only be about eight o'clock — her old-fashioned watch , unwound this morning , had stopped — but she felt as if she had been up all night , working to meet an insane deadline .
22 He was a very easy person to talk to , and long before they reached home she felt as if she had known him for years .
23 Sometimes , as Harriet went about her days , inwardly sorrowing but outwardly self-controlled , she felt as if she had lost both a husband and a daughter .
24 She felt as if she had given her last performance .
25 The cream stucco on the houses — the imposing pillared porches with their black-and-white tiled steps ; she felt as if she had seen it all before in a dream .
26 Jessamy knew her words were cruel , but she felt as if she had been pushed very near to her limit .
27 She felt as if she had been woken from a deep sleep and was conscious of pulling her mind back , painfully , as if it had been a kite out there , held to her by only a string .
28 She felt as if she had taken an extremely exacting examination .
29 She felt as if she had been through a millrace , buffeted and whirled , but the one clear thought that ran through the inner tumult was the finally accepted fact that , with all her heart , she had wanted to say yes to Luke .
30 She felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach .
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