Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [adv] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 I held up the intact bottle of rice wine I 'd finally recovered from the depths of my parka .
2 I saw the biggest , steepest cylinders of water I 'd ever seen from the relative sanctuary of the beach , and Pottz finally landed the world title .
3 No , I had n't deserted from the British Army .
4 I had already gathered from the groom that Sir John had not left so , when I came to a small copse of trees , I took my horse deep inside , hobbled it and sat on a boulder .
5 I was feel very proud of myself because I had just progressed from a tiny red tricycle to riding a huge yellow proper bicycle , with stabilizers .
6 I had just returned from a training stint in Lanzarote .
7 Mowbray said : ‘ I had just recovered from an Achilles injury on my right leg when I hurt my left ankle .
8 This fact I had ample opportunities of verifying on the islands of Bass 's Straits , where I had scarcely stepped from the boat before every creature was made acquainted with my presence — no small annoyance to me , whose object was to secure the wary cereopsis and eagle , which with thousands of petrels and many other kinds of water-birds tenant these dreary islands . ’
9 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
10 I had only returned from a holiday in Dublin and had n't the price of the airline ticket , so I had to borrow from my mum , ’ said Deirdre , who is the mother of a five-year-old daughter , Emma .
11 I had recently heard from the Foreign Office that the Emperor had agreed to my undertaking this journey .
12 The rocks were gigantic boulders of conglomerate , monstrous in their barren strangeness , much larger now we were close to them than I had ever realized from the island .
13 ‘ Not at all as if you 'd just dismounted from a horse .
14 A young woman living in a semi-detached house on an unpopular Sheffield estate showed me a letter she 'd just received from the electricity board : " A board employee will … call at your premises to cut off the electricity supply on 9/11/82 .
15 The worst marks she 'd ever got from an examiner .
16 He 'd been right when he 'd said she was shrewish , though she 'd never suffered from the malady before .
17 She felt oddly detached from the comings and goings all around her .
18 By the time he had taken her back to the theatre she felt totally removed from the morning , quite calm , controlled , almost as though she was nothing to do with the Hochhauser Season but had just come back from a week in Vienna staying at a luxury hotel .
19 She had previously benefitted from a credit and loan scheme , but had been unable to continue due to lack of funds .
20 She had n't moved from the cockpit sole , but crouched there looking aft as if mesmerised by the towering storm front .
21 She had n't moved from the sofa and did n't look up when he pushed open the door .
22 She was about to turn to him and demand to be taken back when he suddenly swung on to a track she had not seen from the distance .
23 Even when she had just fallen from a catwalk , Dana had a vivacity Claudia could n't match .
24 Tessa , a keen machine knitter , was a little nervous as she had just moved from the South and was conscious of the supposed North/South divide but she found the warmest welcome .
25 Her blonde curls looked as if she had just come from a hairdresser rather than from the hand basin in her own bedroom which was where she had washed her hair this morning .
26 They were country people in a sense that Melanie was not , although she had just come from the green fields and they might have lived in London all their lives .
27 Gwendolen was dad in dark grey and was wearing the hat she had just purchased from the Iduns Brothers Bazaar .
28 She had recently emerged from a much-publicised divorce from Frank Sinatra and a month 's transcendental meditation with the guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India .
29 It was known at Cadogan 's that she had once fallen from a horse while out hunting and had broken her collarbone , but continued to follow the hounds for the rest of the day until she collapsed as they ran the fox to earth .
30 Indeed , Clara knew from first hand experience the moral truth of the story told in The Golden Windows about the house with the golden windows , for she had once admired from a friend 's house the whole dazzling , distant , smoky lay-out of her own hillside .
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