Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The three of them rode to the bank of the river , dismounted , then slipped quickly through the underbrush .
2 The glass before them became like a mirror for the briefest time but it was a distorting , ghost-train mirror , more shadow than substance-with his mind adding hallucinatory details to the little that he could see .
3 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
4 The bomb-bay of a Mosquito was too small to accommodate so large a bomb , and they had to carry them slung underneath the fuselage with the bomb doors open .
5 There will eventually be 10 zones in all , each of them designated in an area of particularly high unemployment .
6 He came back to school after Christmas with 4 of them stuffed in the back of his mini and it just went from there .
7 As soon as the song finished she grabbed her cousin and the two of them sank into a heap on the floor , hiding their faces and giggling .
8 I well remember , for example , friends numbered among Professor ( now Sir ) James Baddiley 's cohorts , all of them bent to the task of unscrambling the structures of different chunks of bacterial cell wall .
9 Old Stevenson would go spare if he knew , and I 'm not certain whether he 'd try and get me moved as a danger to junior staff , or you moved as a wicked woman .
10 Sadly two of them perished before the end of the war and the two remaining , that I remember well , saw the end of the war .
11 Electrodes , that 's what they were ; she had seen them used on the baby in the next cot to Jenny in the hospital , just a few days before she had died .
12 Is he aware that , when I asked about the growth in employment in south Derbyshire recently , I was told that figures were available only until 1989 , that they are collected only once every six years and that figures for self-employment are collected only once every 10 years ?
13 actually it 's a bit boring down there now but they , they had to put my , my explanation of the price of petrol er down , there 's nowhere to thing , cos th the last time I was down there I asked for a pint of bitter and this guy bought it me and said and I wanted two pound thirty or something .
14 They looked at me apprehensively when I asked for a drink of cider or wine .
15 The last time I preached on the New Age before writing this chapter , I asked for a show of hands from those who had heard of it .
16 I asked for a report on this tragic case this morning .
17 I asked for a biography of a dead scientist , not a list of missile sites . ’
18 A young man wearing a yarmulka skullcap and sitting astride a roaring tractor wiped his brow with his arm when I asked for the location of Um Al-Farajh .
19 And they said so at the er at the district council , went up to district and I asked for the support of the district council and er probably John immediately said , you have the full support of the district council for it he says and I 'll ensure that you get support with the result I also received four posters direct from the Edinburgh District Council with John photograph on it and with the caption st stating every old age pensioner should be signing here .
20 Since the controller was n't busy I asked for the rest of the weather , and was told three at 800 , or 900 feet above the threshold of Runway 18 .
21 The question I pose is the one that I asked at the beginning of my speech : do those in government and opposition have the courage to set about creating a new beginning to bring about peace , political stability , and an end to the tensions between Ireland and Britain , and can they bring the beginnings of hope for my constituents and the people in the north of Ireland ?
22 I asked at the meeting of the city board and I asked on more than one occasion , and did n't get a proper answer , what the labour group intended to do with the three point two million pounds that will build up in reserve say for the next three years .
23 I applied for a job on Query and got it .
24 I applied for a job at Anglia as a news reporter .
25 No because , I applied for a lot of jobs
26 I applied for a place at the Methodist Institution training college in London — and have heard I have been accepted . ’
27 In 1969 , I applied for the post of Senior Lecturer at the new University of Lancaster , in the north of England ( about 240 miles north west of London ) .
28 I gazed at the devastation from behind a stone horsetrough , lying flat on my face as another explosion sent lumps of metal and cobblestones clattering on to the roofs of the farm buildings .
29 I gazed at the picture of the crocodile pool and all I could think of to say was , did the gallery owner give you a discount because you 're a friend of Robert 's ?
30 Near a tombstone-memorial by the wayside , I gazed on a crowd of boys .
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