Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [noun sg] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 The whole place was buzzing when she arrived at work that morning .
32 ‘ When you arrived in casualty last night you were covered with blood and they started hunting for the wounds and getting the blood transfusion supplies ready .
33 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
34 ‘ It was like them pictures of Hell we used to get in Sunday school , ’ she told the other women when she returned to work two days later .
35 The discretion was exercised by Booth J. She took into account various matters relating to the interests of the boys and concluded that she should not order their return to Australia .
36 - You start forgetting where you went on holiday this summer .
37 She died of cancer 30 June 1926 at 14 Frognal Gardens , Hampstead .
38 She died of cholera 2 August 1834 at her husband 's home , Woodford Lodge .
39 She died in hospital 10 November 1939 , after a fall at her new house in Whitehead , outside Belfast .
40 From the main road she saw outside No. 43 gate a slight drooping figure .
41 Over a period of two weeks they noted the time she went to bed each night and calculated an average ‘ time late ’ .
42 ‘ Do n't worry , ’ she told me as she went to bed that night .
43 God knew what effect this would have on Mrs Browning , but as she went to bed that night she had no feelings of optimism left and already there yawned ahead a great void .
44 Leith felt more than a bit dissatisfied with life when she went to bed that night .
45 The calendar beside the clock was turned to the 21st January , 1919 — but was that yesterday 's date or today 's ; had she changed it before she went to bed last night ?
46 As she slept in her Italian-designed tube steel bed with the iron-grey duvet , she felt sure that Steve in the room across the corridor must know who was in there with her , and as she went to work next day , she felt sure that everyone must see what she was dragging with her .
47 She went to prison seven times to get the vote , and she went to Ethiopia and Nuristan and the back of beyond on a mule , and you tell me she was always whacked ? ’
48 However , she went into labour eleven weeks early , and her baby daughter went into intensive care , where she still was when she talked to me .
49 As she lay in bed that night , she was unable to sleep for the excitement of it all .
50 The anger inside her went on boiling and boiling , and as she lay in bed that night she made a decision .
51 She lay in bed all day , hot and coughing .
52 Was it there when you left for work this morning ?
53 First , she made a free gift of Scotland , and her claim to England , to the French king , should she die without issue ; second , she put her country in pawn , for the money spent by France in defending it and educating her ; and third , she negated in advance any agreement between her and the Scottish Estates which ran counter to her disposal of Scotland in the interests of France .
54 That 's what you said to Daddy last week when he said he 'd do it to you .
55 But she stayed in school four years you know .
56 It was late afternoon as we drove across north eastern France through the Pas de Calais , past the fields and along the poplar-lined avenues where twice in one century the German Army had invaded .
57 I shall say only that when we returned for worship next day the whole building was pristine .
58 So yes , we took on board robotic technology if you like , to reduce costs .
59 Ekeus told a press conference in New York on July 27 , however , that " in picking the team , we took into account certain sensibilities , without compromising the quality of the inspection " .
60 We saw in Chapter 2 part of the process of " negotiating Creole " in a conversation between two British-born girls , one of whom used Creole extensively , the other only rarely and tokenistically .
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