Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [verb] she [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd told her not to worry and that he was one of the lads , although I 'd never seen him before , and we were just waiting for her to go before we started the party .
2 I 'd forgotten she ever existed . ’
3 I did not know if Matron was on that evening , but I did know she invariably did her own dirty work .
4 She tried to move her newly issued body , .
5 Uncertain of the kind of climate which awaited her , she 'd consulted her hastily purchased travel guide , to be informed that Copenhagen was on the same latitude as Newcastle-on-Tyne in England and shared similar weather patterns .
6 And before that , yesterday , the day before — every day since she 'd come to Malta , in fact — she 'd thought she actively disliked him …
7 She wanted to bike along the road for a swim but after she finished dressing she simply sat on the edge of the bath and looked out of the window .
8 If Maisie had taught Beth anything at all , she had taught her how to look after a growing family .
9 Deborah Sherwin , defending Miller , said she had sold her home to set up the fish stall at Redcar and Ferryhill markets but when her marriage broke up her husband took over running the stall on the understanding it would provide for their daughter .
10 She continued to buff her newly varnished nails , smiling a little to herself .
11 We had to phone her up to get the number .
12 We had to phone her up to get the code .
13 We wanted to get her back drawing again so we put an advert in the paper .
14 I also got to hear how she intended to jack in her job at the insurance brokers just as soon as they 'd taught her how to use the word-processor and go and work somewhere interesting like in an ad agency or for a travel agent .
15 In spite of this new plateau of understanding they had reached she still tensed under his touch .
16 Then he 'd turned her round to admire her .
17 By holding back , pretending concern , he 'd made her practically throw herself at him .
18 Maybe he 'd brought her here to act as some kind of pawn in a game he played with Marianne , she realised dully .
19 He had asked her not to tell the police .
20 He had asked her never to do that .
21 He had warned her never to put anything on it .
22 He knew his Val : he had watched her honourably try to prevent herself from adding that last remark .
23 He had taken her up to see her own mother , and Nessie , to his surprise , humoured her in her chatter about Celia and Dermot .
24 He forgot that he had told her not to write first .
25 When she asked him if they had really been as beautiful as angels , he had told her abruptly to look at the portraits , just as now , sensing that she had been hounded out of the house , he had given her something to do , a task to occupy her hands and head .
26 And he had found her somewhere to live .
27 He had begged her not to leave just yet .
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