Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [noun] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I realised Henry could direct his instincts when I was out one day , riding one horse and leading another .
2 I realised Michael could save me maybe five years of work , but I figured I 'd rather go slow and steady than to go fast and have it all fall apart .
3 And er he er he used I used Mother used to send me with the tea to the to the church to the churchyard to father .
4 I was relieved because I knew Seve would play his best with the sun on his back .
5 I thought Honved might cause them a few problems once they had equalised .
6 Certainly give them , yeah and I said Joan will tell you not only does her but the table that he sits on and the wall around it ,
7 I wished Richard could see them together .
8 I hoped Doone would net him soon , but I had n't much faith .
9 Then she glanced down at Lee as if she thought Lee might take it as a remark against her .
10 She knew Oliver would say what was the use of a vase whose line would be ruined if you stuck flowers in it .
11 She knew Doyle would do his best to protect her but what if they decided to search the place anyway ?
12 Breeze did n't worry about the shoes , because she knew Felicity could get plenty more ; but she did feel sorry for the feet inside them .
13 Scarlet despised her methods , as she knew Clarissa would despise hers , for Scarlet agitated herself only about the nutritional content of food and held in contempt the misplaced aestheticism of the lily-contoured table napkin .
14 Well , for instance ; one night Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor who had called Stella II a skinny black bitch right in the middle of her rendition of ‘ Te Amo ’ , and he meant it , right there in the middle of his number — well Madame not only showed her approval of the assault by conspicuously buying Stella drinks every night for the whole of the following week ; as soon as she saw the fight starting she got off her stool , yanked out the plug on the sound system , hitched up that frock , got straight up on the stage while they were still on the floor ( she knew Stella would sort him out ) and she went into an unforgettable aria of abuse against this stranger which culminated in her eschewing all her usual magnificence of phrasing and just standing there shouting fuck off at him , screaming fuck off , if you do n't like it you can fuck off , E , X , I , T , there it is , you came in through it and now you can fuck off out of it , fuck off out of it why do n't you you stupid bastard ( and by now of course someone had dragged Stella off and we were all up on our chairs cheering while the disgraced stranger made his slow and humiliating exit through the parting crowd ) why do n't you just piss off and insult someone who does n't have the balls to answer back because you 've picked the wrong girls here darling , fuck off that 's it , fucking fuck off , fucking fuck off right through my front door and do n't you ever , do n't you ever , do n't you ever step on my fucking frock again .
15 Carrie shook her head ; she felt cake would choke her .
16 ‘ Julie used to say that if anything happened to her she wished Tim would share his life with Elizabeth .
17 Olga herself was far too busy to worry about what Hank was doing , but she wished Donna would mind her own business .
18 ‘ I 'm sad , Luney , that 's what it is , ’ and she wished Luney could cover her the way she had Francis , as though she too were like a baby .
19 You said children would receive it if they were still in full time education , higher education
20 She hoped fitzAlan would begin his search for her on the road to Gloucester ; he might even think she had sought shelter with Dame Sybil , but the hope was a weak one .
21 We knew Souness would want his own set of players and that he 'd shift people in and out very quickly just as he had in Scotland .
22 They voted the local taxes for the governors ' salaries which might be as high as £2,000 a year ( a hundred times a labourer 's wage , and 40 per cent of the prime Minister 's salary ) , and sometimes they felt governors should earn their salaries by letting the assembly have its own way .
23 I never ever charged enough , never ever charged enough , but they said Dick will fix you up , you know .
24 I 'm going I told you they said Janice would give me lessons did n't I ?
25 If she left it unopened Rosie would face it when she got back from lunch and Rain could not be that heartless .
26 At the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900 Hilbert presented his famous list of 23 problems to which he believed mathematicians should address themselves .
27 Probably Francis jumping the gun again ( remember him agreeing terms with Blackburn for the sale of Warhurst because he assumed Deane would join them ? )
28 The shadow budget 's tax bands gave Labour the look of punitive vindictiveness : it drew the line where , realistically , it reckoned people could afford it , forgetting that in post-Thatcher Britain , people calculate their tax liabilities not on what they actually earn , but how much they hope , desire or aspire to earn in the very near future .
29 I did not often take part in the passeggiata because soon after school ended I had to go home on the tram , but sometimes a schoolfriend of mine called Wilma used to invite me to stay the night if there was a lot of homework to be done .
30 He thought oils would suit him .
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