Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] i 've [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This is the nearly got me and I 've only seen oh have we actually seen these ?
2 ‘ Well , I 've spent a year doing what the Thing 's told me and I 've never had so much as a ‘ thank you ’ , ’ said Masklin .
3 The thing 's I 've had two attempts at me and I 've never had any feedback whatsoever .
4 They had handcuffs on me and I 've still got marks on my hands — you can see — where the handcuffs were put on so tight that when I got to the station they could n't get them off me .
5 Er I did ask the question as well what what 's going to happen to these trees or what happens to these trees when the City Council removes them and I 've never got an answer yet and I 'm going to keep asking somebody some day will give me an answer .
6 Erm the talks erm Gillian Thornton is gon na speak to us on the 23rd of February just to remind you and I 've actually prepared some notes on play writing which we can fit in some time during this sort of session .
7 She said , as she was lying there , ‘ I feel , Dame Edna , I can talk about anything to you and I 've never had this experience before when I 've tried to talk to people .
8 ‘ You 'll have to forgive me but I 've never read any of your books .
9 I 've found her and I 've actually seen her !
10 I 've seen her but I 've never heard her . ’
11 Every time I turn around someone else has run off with it and I 've probably walked a good few office miles in its retrieval .
12 I have actually used water that 's come off it and I 've also had er sheds with plants growing underneath and I ca n't honestly remember , I mean I have obviously not used it on really sensitive plants like tomatoes which I think would show signs of stress .
13 And I say that because from time to time I 've had lessons completely interrupted by kids taking the ball and running with it and I 've just sat there , it 's been brilliant !
14 Please feel free to comment , I did n't spend much time on it and I 've still got that bloody hangover ! !
15 I can even slice it and I 've only played golf once .
16 They 're fixing one on Monday so I can see it but I 've already talked to other people who 've done it and they 're so popular .
17 I 've seen one or two erm previews of it but I 've never found out when it is .
18 I know I 'm a bitch and I do think Nora had a lot to do with it but I 've often thought that it was — you know — in the genes . ’ '
19 Well as I say I look after mine but I 've only got the one missing .
20 Before I put her on the plane for London I told her everything was over between us and I 've just reiterated that .
21 ‘ In mining there was a closeness and bond between us and I 've still got friends who work there .
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