Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] i [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My father passed the farm on to me and I shall do the same for the two boys . ’
2 If any reader can help with this , please contact me and I shall pass the information on to Mel .
3 ‘ I shall celebrate with my family around me and I shall break the record for the widest smile , ’ he said .
4 town I shall go around there , you can drop me and I 'll make an appointment there while we 're there .
5 Erm more calls than we could cope with in the end for and er see what happens to it and keep in touch write to your councillors and let them know what you think or write to me and I 'll pass the letters on .
6 But by God , ’ he added grimly , ‘ let one of them approach me and I 'll take the pitchfork to them ! ’
7 C. You teach me to despise her and think like you , and soon you 'll leave me and I 'll have no one at all .
8 I would n't be able to live with myself for putting him through that , but then he would nicker to me and I could breath a sigh of relief .
9 lt was heading away from me and I could see the twin yellow eyes of its exhaust which dilated as the plane changed its inclination and became airborne .
10 I 'm leaving them now for you , I 'm not doing them and I 'll leave every fucking plate in this house till you do them because I 'm sick of it .
11 so that they get them And I 'll get the children to collect some rocks up and wash them .
12 On the question of registration of electors , clearly it is very important that if we now have less than nine weeks from this evening for those possibly four hundred thousand people to seek registration then the it is essential that the minister and the department er engage in a serious advertising campaign to ensure that people can exercise the rights that are due to them and I would like the minister perhaps in his later remarks , to expand on what , if any , measure the government intends to take to publicise the fact of E C voting rights to those four hundred thousand or so er European citizens of voting age resident in this country .
13 Do you know that there 's men running clubs up there who would murder somebody like you or me would have a cup of tea ?
14 In spring 1978 , Marcella Evaristi had persuaded the Traverse that she and I ought to put a ‘ poetry reading ’ together , and run it for several nights .
15 ‘ You think that she and I would make a happy married couple .
16 On Sunday mornings Auntie would bring it back clean , cook lunch — which always included the one vegetable I can stomach , ie beans-in-a-tin because they 're not disgusting green — and afterwards she and I would play the test match while Pa worked on his sermon .
17 And , Tim , you and I ought to have a we 're not actually going to have a formal session on self-study , but we have another we have a rather loosely structured session when we can bring up any other matters for erm basically that they 'll want to plan the video session rather carefully as well basically I think we want to follow in on yesterday 's meeting — we want to find out why we 're not selling more videos basically and use the whole of that session if necessary for exploring with the area managers why we 're not doing twice or three times as well as we are .
18 I have a feeling that the subject could be of interest to you and I would appreciate a brief report of the proceedings .
19 would you and I 'll get the food , I 'm a bloody expert cats
20 ‘ Together you and I could generate the power of aquavit , I believe .
21 ‘ Think about it , dear girl , ’ Spencer said softly , ‘ anything is better than disgrace to the family name , do n't you think , and between us , you and I could rescue the old family firm ?
22 After a few more days in Salamanca , during which you and I could do no work in common , your friends left in a great uproar of drunken invective , shouting political slogans — which fortunately were in German — against the Franco regime .
23 It means , ’ he said , planting a gentle kiss on her soft mouth , ‘ that our future 's secure ; that , for all time , you and I will know the pure joy of loving each other . ’
24 Afterwards you and I will have a day on the island . ’
25 You and I will have no need of letters if I decide to claim you . ’
26 ‘ Thought you and I should have a talk , Tod . ’
27 You and I should have a little chat . ’
28 Oh well , oh you and I can do a
29 you and I can do a team on our own then .
30 You must n't ever try to talk to me about her or I 'll leave the home . ’
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