Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [vb past] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What did you decorate them or did you just leave them plain ?
2 If you knew about the letter , you could just have phoned me and told me not to open it .
3 He looked at me and said he often wondered how I told my books apart .
4 Priestley supported them and made it well known , so much so that he was asked not to attend the dinner — just in case .
5 It was n't fair , just or right for the Signora to come before the hour appointed ; she should have been admitted by Giovanna herself and the keys should have remained hanging on their appointed hook ; the other set being in the pocket of Giovanna 's overall from which she now drew them and held them up making it clear that they would be relinquished only upon her death and then only into the hands of Signor Kettering .
6 The main point was , did she or did she not think that the whole ghastly superstructure should be brought down and got rid of , root and branch , once and for all ?
7 ‘ Did you or did you not say that the purpose of my presence here this evening was to give you information about my work ? ’
8 Well let me put it plainly , did you or did you not know that there were two children or three children indeed in that flat ?
9 ‘ Did you or did you not get a cheque ? ’
10 ‘ Did you or did you not read this book to the reception class ? ’ yelled Ali .
11 Did I tell you or did I not tell you
12 it was someone else that told me but told me not to tell anyone and I had to beg it out of him cos I just wanted to know .
13 Once clear of the cloud , she had handed over the controls to him and taught him how to use the power and propeller pitch levers , how to bank the plane sharply , how to descend and climb with power and nose attitude .
14 They then drew alongside him and told him again to put his hands on the handlebars .
15 He said — he said he should n't know himself really , but one of the people there , the tour leader , told him and told him not to say anything , and Cedric ’ — she breathed deeply again — ‘ told me , and told me not to say anything . ’
16 I got up , we were lying on the sofa , and knelt by him and told him not to worry .
17 Los Angeles police handcuffed him and hauled him off to jail .
18 ‘ It was terrible for her and left her very shaken up .
19 Was n't he totally different from the boys who had fumblingly and rather horridly and wetly , she thought , kissed her and said they quite fancied her ?
20 He stressed that he never intended to have sex with her and said he never used force or inflicted injury on the girl .
21 He 'd called her Rory earlier in the evening — when they 'd been dancing , when he 'd kissed her and made her completely forget she was in the middle of a crowd of people .
22 When she was halfway there , he caught up to her and spun her around to face him .
23 She clicked it and took it away to reveal the red drop of blood that the tiny lancet 's pin prick had produced .
24 I went to the doctor on the Saturday and he said it was gastroenteritis and prescribed tablets for me for it and told me just to keep up my fluids so I did n't get dehydrated .
25 Santerre hastened to open it but told us not to bring any torches in .
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