Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [verb] down on the " in BNC.

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1 He stopped a little way away from me and fell down on the grass and hid his face in his arms .
2 Letting out a shriek , she races towards them and thumps down on the ground .
3 They had reached the door of his room now and , as Harry opened it , Madeleine went past him and sat down on the edge of his old brass bedstead .
4 Nevertheless she thought it best to humour him and sat down on the side of the table away from him and put her clasped hands on its polished top .
5 She gulped down the Martini offered to her and sat down on the sofa by Penelope , who edged away into her corner , recognising in Robina Fairfax 's shapeless grey woollen dress and strings of painted wooden beads the kind of woman she sometimes met at her landlady 's ‘ evenings ’ .
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